|Chapter 10| Reunion

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  (Next day)

I was about to leave to go visit my mother. Of course, Ciel and Sebastian were coming along. Im not exactly sure as to why though. I didnt really care what I put on, but it was . (You dont have that dress, I just thought it was pretty <3 ) To cover my ears I was wearing .
We already past the main town, were all the popular shops were at. So basically, we were in my old neighborhood. "Y/N, What house was yours, exactly?" Sebastian asked while still driving to coach. "Its the one on the curve, with a bush outside." I told them. Soon enough the carriage stopped. Before anyone go out, a bunch of people were gathered outside their homes. Well like 3 houses. Well, who wouldnt? I mean, there is a noble mans coach outside some poor persons house. (Idk the difference between a coach and a carriage x3 -)
Sebastian came around helped me get out, then Ciel. I walked to the front door casually, then tensed a bit when I heard a floorboard creek. I politely knocked on the door. The door slowly creaked open, then once the person, most likely my mother, realized who I was through open the door. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain cross over my head. I instantly knew it was my mother yanking my hair. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!!?? IVE BEEN FORCED TO DO EVERYTHING MYSELF!" She hollered. I smacked her hand away. At this, she seemed surprised. "HOW DARE YOU HIT ME!" My eyebrow twitched with aggravation. "I can do whatever I want.." I replied calmly. "NO YOU CAN NOT YOU PIECE OF SHITE!" "Hmph." At that, I smirked. "Honestly, I can. Its just that certain consequences might come my way. But with you, there's nothing to fear." "Tell me, why did you come back here? Looking for a home, you filthy dog!" She questioned. "Not exactly, you see, I have a nice place to stay at. A million times better then this dump, which I see you kept in great condition." I said with sarcasm. "You do now, do you? Tell me, where is this, 'place?'" She asked with a smirk. I was about to say something till Ciel, to which I realized was standing behind me, clearly unnoticed by my mother. "She lives at the Phantomhive manor." He replied coolly. "P-Phantomhive!! Why would trash like her be living such a manor!" Exclaimed mother. "I believe trash is much better then a pile of fecies(Poo), such as yourself Miss. l/n" Ciel said, with a slight smirk. Hardly noticeable. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Mother yelled at Ciel. His eyes seemed to widen just a bit, then return normal at the comment. "I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive. Owner of the Funtom company. I do not wish to be spoken to as a common peasant. So learn your place before its too late." Ciel said, clearly angry. "E-Earl!? Im so sorry I didnt know..." Mother stammered. "Its quite cold out here, Miss. l/n. If you would be so kind as to let us inside?" Sebastian finally spoke up with a clearly fake smile. "Oh.." She mumbled and stepped aside allowing us to enter. I walked straight inside with Ciel and Sebastian following. I made my way to the table, which was right near the door. "Sebastian, why dont you make some tea?" I asked. "Of course." He replied and started making his way around the counters. Being a demon, he could clearly tell where the tea was at. Due to his amazing sense of smell. Mother joined by the table, standing in front of it on the opposite end that me and Ciel occupied. Once Sebastian finished the tea he gave some to everyone and stood by Ciel. "Why exactly did you come back." Mother suddenly blurted out. Not exactly looking at me but at her tea. "I wanted to make sure you were still alive." I replied, sipping my tea. "You expected me to be dead? I'm not completely helpless as you make me out to be." She replied. "Ah, but I never did. Now did I?" I said with a slight smirk. A slight, 'hmph,' was heard. Once I finished the tea I stood up and walked to my corner of the house which I used to call my 'room.' I opened the small door and crawled inside. I got a sack, which I had brought with me. Not that anyone saw it. I packed the rest of my things in it. Like my hair brush. Once I got back out I noticed everyone was missing from the table. I got up and could quickly tell Ciel was wondering around the small house, looking at all the rooms. I rushed to the room they were at at the moment, which was the restroom. Why he would want to see that place, is a mystery. Once he was done with giving himself a personal tour he went back to the kitchen, to which we all followed. "Well, Miss. l/n. I believe its time we leave." He said as he left, Sebastian following. "Goodbye, mother." "Goodbye...dear" Was the last thing I heard. As I made my way to the coach I kept thinking, 'dear?' "We have a few errands to run." Ciel explained. "Alright." I replied, while watching as all the houses past. Once again the coach stopped, Sebastian coming and helping us out. "Sebastian, you know what to get." Ciel shooed his butler off. "What are we going to get?" I asked, wondering why he sent his butler away. Probably to get these things done faster. "We're going to the bakery.." He replied, already walking in the direction of the place that sells a variety of treats. 'I recognize this place...' As we went inside I kept pondering on where I recognized this place at. Then it hit me. This was the first place I saw Ciel at!! "Hey, you know, this is where I first saw you.." I mumbled out. "Hmm. Now that I think about it, I do remember smelling you inside this place.." He replies. Once we got up front the person running the bakery at the time greeted us with a, 'Welcome!' "What would you like?" Ciel questioned. "Hmm, OH! I want !" "Alright then, Miss." The woman said and she got it for me. "I will have a cream-filled raspberry delicious cheesecake tart." Ciel ordered. (Idk if that's real, it sounds delicious though...) Once we got our ordered we sat down. As if everyone just noticed Ciel, that all gasped and started at him. Till he turned and glared at them. "CIEL, Y/N!! Fancy seeing you here!" That voice was unmistakable, it was Elizabeth."Hello, Lady Elizabeth." Ciel greeted, looking up from his delectable treat. "Call me Lizzy!" She scolded. "Where is Sebastian?" She suddenly asked. "Off running an errand." Ciel explained, turning back to his pastry. Elizabeth sat down beside Ciel, joining us. While her maid, Paula, got her a chocolate moose cheesecake and brought it to her, then proceeded to sit beside me. After all, servants with servants, Nobles with nobles. I shared some of my cake slice with Paula, which she gladly agreed to. Once we all finished, Elizabeth and Paula left to go buy dresses. As me and Ciel left the bakery Elizabeth suddenly came back. "Y/N! Why dont you come try on this dress? It would look simply lovely on you!!" She squealed. "Uhh-" I stammered before suddenly getting dragged to the shop with Ciel and Paula right behind us. Once inside she shoved me into a fitting booth and handed me the dress. Once I finished getting it on, I turned and looked at myself while spinning, the lovely flowing as I twirled. "Are you ready?" Elizabeth asked from the other side. "U-um..yeah.." The door then opened and she dragged me out. "You look beautiful!!" She exclaimed, while clapping her hands. "Uh, well," I tried to get the words out, but failed. "I'll buy it for you!" She smiled. "W-what! No! This looks way to expensive, and a servant like me shouldn't own such a thing.." I explained. "But-" She started, "I said no, but, I must thank you for showing me the dress." I quickly went back into the fitting booth and changed back to my original attire. Once I stepped outside, about to grab the dress I noticed it was missing. "Wha-?" I started looking frantically everywhere for it. There was tap on my shoulder. I looked over to see Ciel holding a round green and black box. "I bought the dress." He explained. I was about to say something before he handed the box to me and walked out. I quickly followed him. As we got back to the coach Sebastian stood waiting. He helped both get into the coach and drove off. "You didnt have to buy the outfit.." I mumbled, while playing with my fingers refusing to look up. "I didnt. But I did." He replied simply. "Well, thanks.." "Yes."

As we got back to the manor it was dark out. We all went inside, both me and Sebastian holding a box or two. As we got inside we put the things away. Ciel ate his small dinner. And announced he was retiring for the night. I didnt the same and went to my quarters to see Sam on my bed, asleep.

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