|Chapter 1|First Day

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  I was awoken by the sound of someone tripping and knocking on the door. "Uh... -wipes eyes- come in." I said tiredly. The door then opened and a maid with short reddish pink hair came in holding a dress, or what I assumed was my maids outfit. "Hello! My name is Mey-rin yes it is!" She said with a huge smile on her face. "Ah. Hello! My name is y/n! Nice to meet you Mey-rin." I greeted her. "This is your maids outfit, yes it is." Mey-rin said while placing a similar to her on the bed but it was black. "Sebastian asked me to help you get it on, yes he did!" "Ah, okay..." I replied. "But you look filthy! Yes you do! o you need a bath!" She said. Mey-rin went into another room and I heard water running. "Come take a bath now," I did as she said and went into the bathroom and got into the bath. Honestly, I've never felt warm water before mainly because mother always made me use cold water. I started washing off the filth. I got some soap for my hair and started washing it. Once I was done with my bath I dried off and out of the bathroom. Then Mey-rin helped me get dress. She gave me to put on, they were black as well. Once she was finished getting me dressed she got up and lead me to were Sebastian was, for my orders of course. We went into a kitchen which smelt of something burning. "What the.." I whispered out. I peaked in the room to see a cloud of black smoke above the stove and a man holding a gun thingy..  Then there was Sebastian scolding him. "I brought her! Yes I did." Mey-rin said. Sebastian and the other guy turned to me. "Yes. Thank you Mey-rin. Y/n, I want you helping clean up this mess. After that go around the manor and clean the Library, Hallways, and polish the stairs." He said. "Ok." I said. I got a rag that I found on the counter and started cleaning up the mess this guy made. "Oi, y/n was it? My names Baldroy. " The guy that recently made this mess introduced himself. "Hello." I greeted, still cleaning. Once I finished I went looking for the Library, cleaning Hallways along the way. After a few hours I had finished my task in dusting, so now it was time for the stairs. "Oh, hey Mey-rin!" I called out to the maid that was getting ready to polish the stairs. "Oh hello y/n! I figured I'd help you since I finished with my chores yes I did!" She said. I got to where she was and started polishing the stairs. I've never really polished things before, believe it or not. So I was trusting her that she had the right polish. After an hour we finished. The manor door was swung open and a high-pitch scream was heard, "CIIEEEELLL!!!~~" Some one called. Me and Mey-rin quickly got out of the way, and that's when I noticed it. The polish can that we were using had a shoe on it. My eyes literally widened, and Mey-rin seemed to notice too. The stairs we polished were the main stairs, this girl came running in the stairs direction. Ciel was already at the top of the stairs, and Sebastian was nowhere to be seen. "W-Wait My Lady!" I called out to her and grabbed her arm before she ran up the stairs. "H-hey!!" She yelled out. "Im so sorry! But it seems that we used the wrong polish to polish the stairs." I told her. "Oh." She said. I got a rag along with Mey-rin and started wiping away a small path of the polish for the girl to climb up. Once she was at the top of the stairs we wiped away the rest of the polish. "We're done!" I yelled out. The girl came back down the stairs. "We're going to have a ball!" She said. "You both need pretty dresses to wear!" She exclaimed. "If I may ask, My Lady, what is your name?" I asked her, smiling lightly. "My name is Elizabeth!" She said. She grabbed both me and Mey-rins arm and dragged out away to a random room. She shut the door and started searching through the closet. "Ah! This one is perfect!" Elizabeth said, holding the dress up to my face. "A-ah.. It's so.... pink..." I said. "Yes! you would look perfect in it!" She said. "Uh, My Lady, I don't really like the color.....pink.." I told her. "Oh.. Okay." She said She turned back around and rummaged through and pulled out a beautiful (Favorite color) ballgown. It wasnt too frilly, but just right. "My Lady, that dress is far to beautiful for a servant like me to wear." I told her. "Nonsense! This ball is for Ciel's birthday! So everyone has to look perfect!" She said. "His birthday! How wonderful!" I said, giving a closed eye smile. "Yes! It is! He is going to be 15 years old!" Elizabeth said. "Now for you!" Elizabeth said, pointing to Mey-rin. She went back to the closet and pulled out a similar to mine, but it was red. And it matched her beautiful red hair! "O-oh my! That's a beautiful dress! Yes it is!" Mey-rin exclaimed. Elizabeth then clapped her hand and brought out to pairs of heels. "There! Now get ready!" Elizabeth said, then left. Well, I wasted no time getting the dress on. I put on thigh high socks and then put the shoes on. When I finished I ran brush through my long h/c locks.  I turned around once done to see Mey-rin dressed. Her hair was slightly puffier, but other than that we looked the same. (Except she was taller then me) "We need to make the young lord a present!" She quickly exclaimed and dragged me through the hallways to the servants quarters. That's where I met that guy, Baldroy and a boy that looked around my age. They were both wearing fancy-ish clothes, but like commoners cloths, ya know? "I haven't seen you before! You must be the new girl, y/n! My name is Finnian! But you can call me Finny." The boy said. He shook my hand. "Im the gardener." He explained. "Nice to meet you Finny." I said, giving a small smile. "Okay. So what to get The young master.." Baldroy started. Everyone started giving ideas, like food, home made cards, money. But one thought popped into my mind. "How, about, a cane? He seems to walk around with one a lot." I said. "How would we make a cane?" Everyone asked. "Its simple. We just need a long stick, some stuff to polish it and some paint." I explained. "I'll get a nice stick!" Finny said, while running off. "I can get some paint." Baldroy said running away. "Get a knife for carving too!" I yelled after him. "Alright!" He replied back. "Now, we need something to polish with." I told Mey-rin. "Oh! I know where some stuff is! Yes I do!" She said while running off. A few minutes later everyone came back with supplies. "Okay! We need to make that stick smooth. You is strong enough to smooth it out with this rock?" I asked, holding up a rock that could make it smooth. "I can!" Finny said. After he smoothed it I took the carving knife from Baldroy and started carving little designs into it. I made the top into the shape of the Funtom logo. When I finished Baldroy painted it black, and added little paint details to the cat and Mey-rin polished it. When it was finished, I took a royal blue ribbon and tied it around the top of the cane, just below the logo. "Finished!" I exclaimed. "We need to wrap it! Yes we do." Mey-rin said while getting some paper to wrap it in. Once it was wrapped, once again, I tied a ribbon around it so the paper would come off. "The ball is in 1 hour! We need to prepare everything!" Baldroy exclaimed. We grabbed the gift and raced to the ballroom. The room wasn't quite decorated. But there were some decorations around the room. Elizabeth was tying blows of pink, black, and blue, with pink again everywhere. She raced over to us. "Where were you guys?!" She asked. "We were making a present for the young lord!" All of us said. "What is it?" She asked. "You'll find out soon! But it was home made." I told her. We then ran over to a table that had nothing on it and placed the gift there. "This could be the gift table." Finny said. "Alright." Elizabeth replied. "Now help me decorate!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Okay!!" We all replied and started decorating the place.

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