|Chapter 9| Winter

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It has been eight months since my birthday. Yes, eight. Not a lot of interesting things has happened in the time span. Other then new guests coming in every once in a while. And every do often I would have lunch or some tea with Ciel. As I said, not a lot has happened. But today something most defiantly will happen! Today is the day of the ice sculpture contest! And I plan on interring. A few years ago Ciel had ordered Sebastian to win it for something, but i'm going to do it for fun! Who knows, maybe I'll even get Ciel to join! :3 Since its quite cold outside I dressed in a nice (The one on the far right). Of course the hood is up covering my ears, and its long enough to hide my amazing tail! We were currently on our way there now. I had already finished my chores for the day, So I was free to go! "I never asked, but. Where is this place located?" I asked Ciel, who was in the carriage with me while Sebastian took the reins. "There's a festival on the lake, while the contest is on a nearby stage," He explained. "Oh, how wondrous does that sound!!" I said. He grunts in response. Once we get there, I see some people running around the streets. Sebastian comes and helps both me and Ciel out of the carriage. "When does the contest start?" I asked Sebastian, since knows almost everything. "It should start in 3 hours." He replied. "Alright! Lets go look at some booths then~!" I ran, like a lady, towards the booths with the guys observing things not to far away. The first thing to catch my eye was a booth telling fortunes. Luckily I brought some money with me to buy some stuff. And if you're wondering where Sam is, He's at home keeping the house in order. Anyways, I went into the booth. It was dark there, and it smelt like crap. "Hello~" Said a creepy voice. A really old woman came out with scrawny long fingers. She sat at a table with a transparent orb in the middle on a beautiful silver and gold stand. With what looks like some gem stones. "Come, sit, my dear~~" I went up to the opposite end of her and sat down. She reached over and grabbed my hand. The first thing I noticed was how cold hers was. She closes her eyes. She 'hmms' as if she's thinking while rubbing her fingers on my palms. "Lets see what fate has in store for you, shall we?" She questions as she places her hands onto the crystal orb thing. She stares into the orb while waving her hand around if for some reason. Suddenly, she smirks. I tense up a bit because, well, she has a creepy smirk. "Your future will be quite rich my dear.." She says. "What does that mean?" I ask, not understanding what she had said. Suddenly the room gets darker and she fades into the back of the room, I guess. With a weird, smile apon her lips. "Some fortune that is..." I mumble while getting up to exit. The next booth I go to is selling some toys. Nothing really interests me, so I move on. Then it hits me. 'Ciel's birthday is on the 14th! I must get him a present!' I thought for a moment, pondering on what he would like. 'He seems like the type that likes canes right? But I got him one for his birthday last time... Uhm!!' Then I see it. I run over to the stand that as selling tea stuff. There was a beautiful . Another thing was extremely amazing tea. Well, I think it was! It was my mothers favorite, so I had to make it a lot... Why I still think about her. Idk. It was black tea, I guess Earl Grey..Thats black tea right? But with some berries blended in with it. Mainly Blueberry with some blackberry in it. I looked at the prices. They were outrageous!! "May I help you, young lady?" Asked the kind old fellow who ran the shop. "U-umm.. Is this set really that expensive?" I asked the man while pointing it out. "Yes, im afraid so. It came with a custom paint. And that isnt cheap.." He explained. "O-Okay.." 'It seems I can only buy the tea..Aww.' Then I smell him. By him I mean Sebastian. "Y/n. The contest starts soon.." He told me. I quickly buy the tea, and stare at the tea set for a second longer. Sadly, Sebastian noticed this. "What would you want with a tea set?" He questioned. "Well. I was planning on buying it to go with this tea for Ciels birthday but im poor af." I explain. "Well, I could buy it..." He trails off. "Nah, I wish to buy it. I'll have to make some money! That mean, I have to win that contest!! Here hold this and dont let Ciel find it!!" I tell him, handing him the box of tea and rushing off towards the stage. "Blah, Blah, Blah..Start!" Says the man. I immediately start working on my sculpture. I decided to make a detailed cat.

~timeskip for the cause of laziness~

As everyone was inspecting everyones, sculptures. When they got to mine their jaws dropped. (YEAH) "This is a very detailed cat!" One of the men exclaimed. "Yes, why thank you.." I shrank down inside my coat, because everyone is starring at me. Everyone was starring at everyone else except me.. But now they're all looking at me.. It makes me wanna throw up. The 4 men who were hosting the contest gathered around and started talking. Probably debating on who the winner is. "I think its clear to say... That Miss. L/n (Last name) Is the winner!" They exclaimed. Everyone went wild, clapping, hooting, and what-not. I followed them to claim my prize which was 20,000 pounds! "Thank you!" I said as I hugged them all. "You're quite welcome." One of them said. I went back to the tea stand and bought the tea set. It was neatly wrapped in a blue and black box. I was walling around in search for Sebastian so he can carry this. Even if im a demon doesn't mean I wanna carry crap. As I was turning a corner I bumped into someone making me fall on my butt. I looked up to see Ciel. "Oh, hi Ciel." I greeted him. Getting up and helping him up as well. Since he is the young master. "Congratulations on winning." He replied. While wiping some snow off himself. "Whats that?" He asked while starring at the box. "Huh? Oh! Its a present for a dear friend of mine. Open it and I'll have no choice but to slap you~!" I squealed making him flinch. "Alright..." "Hey, you know. I've never been ice skating..Wanna go? Pleeease~~~" I begged him. -sigh-"Alright.." He replied. "Alright!" I yelled, Grabbing his hand and rushing towards the ice rink. Once we got their I found Sebastian and made him hold my box. Then Ciel bought me skates....idk why though. I guess its because the ones you could renter were ugly. Well, they were. xD They were like a muddy mustard yellow. I was at the edge of the ice touching it with my finger to make sure it was safe. While Ciel was already on the ice just skating in a slow circle. "Why are you so hesitant?" He suddenly asked. "Uhh....It doesnt look safe..." I tried to come up with an excuse. But truth is, I dont even know how to skate. "Its perfectly fine, dont be so ridiculous." He replied, with a bored expression. I still sat there looking at the ice. "You dont know how to skate, do you?" He finally asks. "Of course I know how to!" I yelled, suddenly getting offended by the truth. He smirks, "Then show me." "I-I will!" I replied stepping on the ice. I got my balance pretty quickly. 'This is easy!' I started moving slowly. 'I got this!' Little did I know a kid was right behind me. The kid rushed past me, causing me to go haywire. I start panicking. I get extremely unbalance, and boom. I fall forward. I brace myself for a harsh impact to the ground. But instead I got pulled up. (Ha, y'all think I was gonna say, 'Into a chest' Or something. Nope :P) "I knew you couldnt skate." Ciel smirked, again. "S-shut up! I didnt get to go out much as a kid.." I say while looking away. "Well, I could teach you.. Its not that hard." "Really?!" I asked, turning towards him with a spark in my eyes. "Sure.." He showed me how to keep balance by relaxing, but not too much. Its just like running! But, on a small fraction of your foot. Soon enough I got the hang of it and could easily skate. Me and Ciel were skating around. Just watching everyone. I loom up to the sky to see it turning pinkish, fading from its icy blue color. "Its sundown. We should probably go.." I say. Ciel simply nods his head and we leave. He calls Sebastian, who was watching us the entire time! To get the carriage ready.


"Hey, Ciel?" I suddenly ask. Its not like he was gonna eat anything else. He dismissed the rest of the servants except me and Sebastian. Since we were his main Maid and Butler. "What is it?" "Well, its been quite a few months, and I was wondering....Can I pay my mother a visit...." I shrink a bit, not even knowing why I asked that. "Why?" He questions. "Well.. I usually did everything for her. And I wish to know how she's doing. Like if she lives on the streets or something..." I trail on. "Very well." He replies. "Thank you.."

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