Harry Styles & Tate (Ahs)

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3rd person POV

"Tate what the fuck did you do?" Harry screamed as tears ran down his pale face. Harry stood there in shock as he stared at his boyfriend's bleeding arm. He hated it when Tate would cut. It hurt him, it made him feel pain inside his heart for his boyfriend. All he wanted was for him to stop hurting himself. But he never did.

"I'm sorry." A sob slipped from the blonde boy's eye as he spoke. He never liked to hurt himself, but he couldn't stop. Both him and Harry both knew no good would come from this. It was a problem Tate had. His beautiful pale arms covered with scars running up and down the soft skin. Harry walked up to Tate and wrapped his arms around him. All Tate did was sob into the younger boy's shoulder. He rubbed soothing circles on the blonde boy's back and soon Tate started to calm down. His crying coming to a soft whimper. Harry continued to hold him and whispered comforting words in his ears. "I love you so much, and you're sweet, and I never want to lose you. You are my whole world Tate." He whispered and Tate pulled back to look Harry. Green met dark brown and it was such a beautiful sight. Both looked at one another with so much love.

Harry pulled Tate into the bathroom and started to clean up his cuts. "Ssssss." Tate winced in pain as Harry cleaned his cuts up with a cotton ball and alcohol. He put a bandaid on the wounds, leaned down and kissed it. "All better." Harry smiled at Tate. His boyfriend returned the gesture with a small simple smile, and it made Harry's heart flutter.

Tate stood up from sitting on the edge of the bathtub and walked into the living room of their home. Harry soon followed him and laid on the sofa. Tate's eyebrows furrowed as he saw his blood on Harry's white shirt. So he walked over and pointed at it. Harry's face was confused and he looked at what Tate was looking at. "Oh." He said sadly and pulled off the dirty shirt. It caused Tate to enter a daze. He couldn't stop staring at Harry's beautiful pale body. His hands reached up and started roaming without a thought. Harry was a bit surprised, but then embraced the warm feeling of Tate's hands on his body.

"Baby," Harry shivered at the good feeling. His words were cut off by soft lips on his. Tate straddled the younger boy and pulled on Harry's bottom lip with his teeth. It caused a groan to escape the curly haired boy's mouth. His right hand was holding Tate in place while the other was in his hair getting lost in those blonde locks. He felt Tate's fingers pulling on his jeans button and his tongue in his mouth. Harry leaned back into the sofa to deepen their kiss.

"Love me." Tate pleaded.

"I do." Harry moaned back. But that's not what Tate was actually talking about. He knew Harry loved him more than anything. More than himself. But Tate wanted Harry to make love to him.

"Not what I meant." Tate grumbled against Harry's plump lips. Then it hit Harry right smack in the face. How could I be so stupid? He thought to himself. Harry pulled his lips away from Tate and stared at him. He kind of squinted his eyes like he was in deep thought. It confused Tate. But he just sat there for about a minute until Harry broke the silence.

"I would love to love you baby." Harry smiled at Tate so widely his teeth and perfect dimples were showing. "But! There's a condition." He smirked as he continued what he needed to say. Tate's eyes widened as he excitedly listened.

Then Harry's beautiful face turned serious. His eyes were stuck on those dark brown ones that lit Tate's face. He placed his hands on Tate's cheeks and a tear slipped from his eye. It made the blonde boy furrow his eyebrows because Harry was just happy now he's crying? "Please don't cry." Tate said while looking down at his hands.

"No more cutting Tate. Please. What if something bad happens. I won't lose you." The younger boy said slowly with a dark tone in his voice. The blonde boy didn't say a word. He didn't nod his head or give any kind of sign of agreement.

"Did you hear what I said? Tate! God dammit look at me!" Harry pulled Tate's face up so he was looking at him. Tears ran down his face as he nervously nodded his head. His bottom lip between his teeth to keep him from making a sound. He didn't want Harry angry with him. He wanted to get better. He really did.

"I...I promise Harry." Tate sobbed out the words and Harry crashed his lips onto the crying boy's. All Harry wanted to do now was make him feel loved.

Tate was just as tall as Harry, but that didn't mean Harry was any less strong. So he wrapped Tate's legs around his waist, stood up, and walked into their bedroom. He laid Tate softly on their king sized bed and Harry started taking off Tate's clothes.

Tate's POV

I watched as Harry slowly pulled off his jeans after taking my clothes off. I'm yearning for his touch. I can almost feel him if I imagine it hard enough. Soon I feel the bed sink and his warmth is covering my body. His mouth was on my neck sucking the skin until it was sore and bruised. "Spread your legs Tate." Harry lowly spoke into my ear. I did as I was told and spread my legs. There was a cold liquid running down my privates. It made me wince a little. But then Harry's lips were roughly kissing me and his fingers were inside of me.

"Ah." I whimpered from the pleasure. I loved Harry's plump fingers they were so good to me. Harry bit my shoulder as he continued his movements pushing a second finger inside. It was a bit of a stretch, but then there was another finger slowly being pushed inside as well. "Har--ry." I stuttered his name as he began pumping in and out faster. His green eyes were filled with lust and darkness. And it was beautiful. My hand reached for his length and I started tugging at him making him groan. It looked like his eyes rolled in the back of his head for a second. My hand continued pumping him while his fingers pumped in and out of me.

"You want it? You want me?" He said darkly and thrusted his fingers roughly inside me. I nodded my head quickly at his words.

"Say it." He growled.

"I want you. I love you." I whimpered as he pulled his fingers out. He lubed up his hard length, but never took his eyes off me. Harry flipped me over onto my stomach then pulled me up by my waist so that I was on my knees. I felt him rub across my sore hole a few times before pushing in. My head fell onto the bed while my ass stayed in the air being fucked by Harry. "Love you so much Tate!" He moaned at my name. I couldn't say anything all I could do was whimper and moan. I was a complete wreck beneath Harry.

His large hands grabbed onto my hips and he started really going in deep. He kept pulling my body onto his cock while slamming into me. It was heaven. I felt a burning feeling in the lower part of my stomach and I knew I was close. Harry kept slamming into me harder and harder with every thrust. Before I knew it I was moaning harshly and came on the bed sheets. Harry didn't stop though he kept going fucking me roughly. I didn't want him to stop either even if I was sore I wanted him to keep going. I wanted to feel him cum inside me.

"Harry fuck me til you cum." I spoke lowly, but I know he heard me. Because in that moment he started moaning like crazy and I felt him explode inside me.

3rd person POV

"Come on baby let's get cleaned up." Harry told Tate sweetly as he picked the blonde boy up in his arms. Tate didn't want to shower though. He wanted to lay there with Harry. When they reached the bathroom Harry set Tate on his feet inside the shower. It made Tate scream when Harry turned it on because it was cold water. All Harry could do was laugh at his boyfriend. They both showered together taking turning washing each other.

"Keep your promise Tate. For me." Harry whispered in Tate's ear and kissed his shoulder. Tate turned around to look at Harry. His eyes getting watery just talking about it. Tate knew he had to stop hurting himself because he was hurting Harry. The person he loved the most. He was going to try to get better. He wasn't going to cave like he always does. This time would be different.

"I will. You're going to be so proud of me. Just watch." Tate chuckled at his own words causing Harry to slightly laugh.

"Good because I'd be lost without you. I love you so much." Harry breathed as he connected their lips together before Tate could comment.


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