Marilyn Manson

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A/N: Lol no offense to those who might get offended about a certain tearing of a certain book in this story lol. It's what he does at his concerts I've witnessed it with my own eyes and it was amazing lol anyway on with the story...again don't take offense.... XD

Also lol I was listening to this on repeat while writing. Idk why xD


Dark purple and red lights flashed around the arena as millions of red cross shaped confetti floated around in the air. People head banged and sang along to the words coming from the man on stage.

He was sickly pale and his hair was long and black like raven feathers. And his body was thin as a twig, but yet he was still so beautiful.

He screamed through the microphone singing the words to Antichrist Superstar. And everyone in the audience loved him. His hands ripped out pages from the Bible as he continued to sing his words. And the crowd went crazy for him. They went went wild for this man who chanted his lyrics into their ears over the speakers. The music blared and the lights flashed all around. And a certain girl with blood red hair was enjoying herself at this concert.

Her hair was a deep crimson and her skin was pale like paper. It was as smooth as a baby's. And she wore dark makeup that brought out the lovely features. Her clothing was a mix between goth and punk.

And it was tonight that she found herself being put into a trance by a man she's been in love with since she was 15 years old. Her dark brown eyes watched as he moved crazily across the stage screaming at the top of his lungs.

It was Marilyn Manson.

And the girl had backstage passes. So she enjoyed the concert while it was on going. Not being bothered by the people pushing her small frame against the railing. Nope the girl didn't mind it one bit. She ignored it and got lost in the music while staring at her long time crush.

Sometimes her eyes would wonder to the other band mates. But they didn't keep her attention for very long.

Soon the colors changed to a deep purple and Manson started to sing Coma White. And the girl sensed it was the end of the concert it was her time to shine after this song. She sang along with the words all while thinking about her plan for backstage.

She was going to get with Manson tonight. Even if it was just once she'd have him all to herself.

And now that she was brought back into reality when the song was ending she made her way to the back of the stage.

She wasted no time getting there either. She had to make sure she was the first one there. Just so she could get him alone and all to herself before anyone else could.

"Pass." A rather large gentleman spoke in a intimidating voice. It shook the girl in her creepers, but she handed over her pass and he smiled and waved her in.

That wasn't so bad. She thought to herself once getting past the big scary security guard. And the girl couldn't believe it.

There he was in his black leather pants with no shirt on all sweaty from giving all his energy to the fans. His hair was went and damp and his skin was shiny. But none of that bothered the girl. She didn't care if he was dirty. All she wanted was him. Her eyes watched him as he talked to his band mate Twiggy. A big smile appearing on his face. And that was enough for the young woman to melt where she stood.

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