Chapters 1+2

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Chapter 1

10 years later

She opens her eyes to the morning sunlight shining through the gaps in the curtain she turns her body round to look at the sleeping body of her wife next to her, a smile soon plays on her lips she reaches a hand out and brushes hair away from her other women’s face to behind her ear she strokes a finger down her face down her temple, her cheeks to her lips she traces the out line of her wife’s lips slowing and gently as to not wake her up she then felt a kiss being placed on her fingers she looked up to be met with the sleepy blue eyes of her wife,

“morning babes” Cheryl says as she places a kiss on Kimberley’s lips

“morning angel . what’s the time?” she asked stretching

“it’s 7 am babes” she replies with a warm smile

“the kids will be up soon” Kimberley says looking down at Cheryl, putting her hand in her hair and running her fingers through it

“yep they will be and we have work today at 10” Cheryl groans

Kimberley laughs “ well think of it this way we get to start working on the new album”

“yeah but it is also our last and then next year will be our last ever tour!” Cheryl says with a sad sigh

Girls aloud have been round for 19 years now apart form the breaks they had in between (4 years , 2009 till 2012 and then 2015 to 2017) they were starting on their 17th album the girls had made the choice to call it a day the year before as they all had families now and girls aloud had never been better over the last 5 years winning 3 brit awards in that time.

“I know baby but we’re all older now things have changed we have different priorities now we have families to look after” Kimberley said although the Geordie girl could see the sadness in the older women’s eyes

“we better get up I will wake chantell and leon up” Cheryl said getting out of the bed giving Kimberley one last kiss before leaving the room, chantell was now 10 years old and leon was 8 they had choose to adopt leon when chantell was 2 as they wanted to make their family a little bigger Scarlotte and Charlotte were now 15 they had grown up into to lovely teenage girls

Cheryl opened the door to her son’s room walked over to the bed and knelt down beside it she gently stroked the young boys hair

“time to wake up leon you have to get ready for school” Cheryl said

The boy opened his green eyes slowly and smiled

“morning mammy” he said

“morning son you have to get washed and ready for school” Cheryl said with a smile

“Is mummy up? And the girls?”

“yeah mummy's up I'm about to wake the girls up so why don’t you get washed and changed and by the time you go down stairs the girls, me and mummy will be down there” she said pinching the boys nose causing him to giggle he got out of bed and hugged his mam, Cheryl stroked her hand through his brown hair once more before giving him a kiss on the head and heading to chantell’s room to find kim was already in there talking to their daughter so she went along the hallway to charlotte’s room

Every one was in the kitchen around the table eating breakfast when scarlotte suddenly let out a groan  causing her mothers to raise one eyebrow each at her

“what” Kimberley asked her

“I’ve got Mr Jesus today cos I have geography” she said with an annoyed look on her face Cheryl laughed

“Mr Jesus I thought his name was Mr Ramsey” Cheryl said

“it is but he has long wavy hair in a pony tail he has the beard and he wears sandals so he might as well be Jesus!” she laughed back at her mam

“oookay then” Kimberley said

“you should’ve took history like I did Mrs Downey is a great teacher she really nice” charlotte said to her twin, both girls were identical the only difference was that charlotte had a few freckles on her face that was the only way you could tell them apart , except when she wore make-up to hide her freckles . The girls eat their breakfast and left for school and Cheryl and Kimberley drove both Leon and chantell to junior school.     

Chapter 2

The girls were on a break from recording and were sitting inside a small café down the road form the studio having coffee and chatting

“I’m so excited about the new album I already love a few of the songs we’ve heard” Nicola said sipping at her latte

“I know I liked most of the songs but my favourite would have to be You & Me” Nadine said looking at Nicola 

“Has Greg got daisy today?” Sarah asked the Irish girl Nadine had met Greg a year after divorcing Jason, they hit it off straight away and then 5 years ago they had a little girl Daisy together they had been married for 4 years now Nadine was more than happy with Greg and it helped that the girls liked him too.

“Yeah he took the week off work to look after  her while we’re recording” Nadine replied

“oh babes are you taking leon to street dancing after school?” Cheryl asked Kimberley all their kids loved to dance the twins knew how to dance form ballet to street dance, chantell did ballet while leon did street dance

“yeah I will be taking him straight form school then I will come home with chantell she has ballet tomorrow” Kimberley smiled at Cheryl lacing their fingers together under the table she could feel the three rings on cheryl’s finger they were identical to the three on Kimberley’s fingers on the other hand, one ring was their engagement ring, the next their wedding ring then their eternity rings they had got each other on their 6th wedding anniversary

Sarah was about to say something to the girls when her phone rang

“it’s the school” sarah said looking puzzled she answered the phone


“okay I’ll be there in 15 minutes” she said ending the call

“what was that about?” kim asked the blonde

“that was Sambucas head of year she is in his office for getting into trouble I don’t know what’s she done I’m gonna find out when I get to the school, sorry girls I’ll have to miss the rest of recording” sarah said to the 4 women sitting at the table

“it’s fine babes we only had an hour left we will just ask to leave early you go to the school” Cheryl replied smiling at her friend

Sarah left the café leaving the four girls to drink their coffee and to go back to the studio.

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