Chapters 15+16

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Chapter 15

Cheryl arrived home and went straight to the kitchen to run her hand under cold water Kimberley and Nadine entered the kitchen after her

“what did you do” Kimberley said on seeing Cheryl’s hand

“I hit him didn’t I he was just winding me up I just hit him and then kicked him in his small man hood” she said Nadine let out a giggle at what Cheryl had said Kimberley gave her a look

“babes I said don’t do anything rash” Kimberley said with a sigh

“I had to he caused the girls so much pain I wanted him to feel the same pain even if it was only a little bit” Cheryl said looking at her hand seeing it stopped bleeding Kimberley hugged Cheryl and laughed

“what’s so funny?” she asked

“nothing its just I wished I was there I would have punched him to and I think Nadz would have as well” kim replied

“damn right too” Nadine said smiling

“Mammy , mammy” little daisy said walking up to her mam rubbing her eyes Nadine picked her up

“you tired baby” she asked her daughter

“yeah daisy tired” the little girl said

“i better go get this little one fed and then to bed, ohh I just rhymed” Nadine laughed at what she said causing the other women to laugh along with her Cheryl saw the younger girl out and sat on the sofa with a sigh

“do you feel better now you beat Derek up” Kimberley said with a smirk sitting down next to Cheryl 

“yes  I do and I never want to hear his name being said in this house ever!” Cheryl said moving closer to kim and snuggling into her

They stayed sat on the sofa for a while before Kimberley started dinner Upstairs charlotte had woken up she looked round her room and then remembered what happened during the day she buried her head under her covers until a knock on her door sounded through her room

“come in” she said The door opened to leon coming in the room

“are you okay char-char ?” he sat on the bed next to his sister

“yeah I'm just a little bit sad” she said stroking his hair

“was it that man who came earlier?” he asked

“yeah it was him”

“I don’t like him cos he made you sad” leon got up on his knees and hugged his sister and gave her a kiss on the cheek

“don’t worry char-char I may be little but I know a lot” he said with a toothy grin causing charlotte to laugh she hugged her brother again before getting out of bed and walking over to him and walking out of the room and down the hall to scarlotte room

“can I came in?” she asked as she knocked on the door

“yeah” came a reply

Charlotte opened the door and walked in the room and sat on the floor with scarlotte, leon had gone downstairs by this point

“what you looking at?” she asked

“just old photo albums of mum and mam” scarlotte answered

“cool lets see” charlotte said scarlotte moved the album around so they could both look at it

Downstairs Cheryl and Kimberley were setting the table when Leon walked in

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