Chapters 29+30

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Chapter 29

Later that day Nadine and Sarah brought the kids to the hospital were Kimberley was, when they arrived charlotte and scarlotte stayed standing in the room while the two younger kids ran to their mam and hugged her

“what’s wrong with mummy?” Leon asked whilst he sat on cheryl’s lap

“she’s ill baby and she is sleeping at the moment because she needs to rest to get better” Cheryl said resting her cheek on the young boys head

“will mummy wake up before we go?” he asked

“no baby she probably wont” Cheryl replied Leon got up from cheryl’s lap and went over to his mum and gave her a kiss on the cheek

“get better soon mummy” he said before walking back to Cheryl and sitting back on her lap, Cheryl looked at the twins she had told them that Kimberley was in a coma because they were older they would understand, charlotte moved forward and wrapped an arm around her mam before saying

“I hope she wakes up soon, I miss her” Cheryl nodded in agreement scarlotte sat on the other chair now and place her hand over her mums and gave it a squeeze

“I miss you to mummy” she said she had tears brimming in her eyes Cheryl noticed this and said

“kids com here” all the kids went over to Cheryl and she pulled them into a big hug

“mummy will be better soon okay and when she just wake up she will need all of us here” she said before breaking the hug.

Later that night the kids had left with Nadine and Sarah, Cheryl was just staring at Kimberley’s face she rubbed her hand with her fingers again , she could feel both their rings rubbing together she looked down at them remembering when they got engaged , when they got married and when they both got each other eternity rings her eyes once again got wet and tears fell from her face

“please kimba wake up I miss you, so so much, and I love you open your eyes babes please” she waited for a few minutes but still there was no movement from Kimberley Cheryl rested her head on the bed and cried freely now still holding on to Kimberley hand when she felt pressure being applied on her hand

“Kimberley ?” she said looking up at her face, she waited and then she saw Kimberley’s eyes start to flicker open she felt a smile form on her face

“Kimberley babes its me, I’m here babes” Cheryl said  she saw Kimberley eyes move around the room taking it in

“where am I ?” Kimberley crocked out

“your in hospital babes you were in a car accident, you’ve been in a coma for 2 weeks” Cheryl said then turned to hug her wife

“cant breath” Kimberley laughed

“sorry babes you don’t know how much I’ve wanted you to open your eyes, your beautiful eyes I'm so happy your awake”

“my head is banging” Kimberley said bringing a hand to her head

“I’ll go get a doctor okay babes” Cheryl said before she left she placed a lingering kiss on Kimberley lips and then went to find a doctor.

Chapter 30

“well it looks like your all good to go MRS tweedy- Walsh just remember to come back in 3 weeks time to have the cast removed from your arm” the doctor said

“thank you” Kimberley said

Kimberley had woken up 2 days ago and the doctor ran some more tests and they came back fine and now Kimberley got to go home

“ready babes” Cheryl said holding two bags full of the older woman’s things

“yes get me out of here and home” Kimberley said quickly they walked out of the ward not before giving the nurses who looked after Kimberley some flowers they stopped at the entrance door of the hospital to find loads of  paparazzi outside Cheryl turned to kim

“its okay babes we will just get to the car as quick as we can” she gave her a kiss on the lips and then they left the building, they pushed their way through the crowd and got to the safety of cheryl’s car

“well that wasn’t to bad” Kimberley said

“hmm I guess so” Cheryl replied she started the car and drove towards their home.

When the arrived home Cheryl got a text as they were getting out of the car it was from Nicola

Hey babes we are all ready so come on in Nic  XX

Cheryl smiled at the text she grabbed the bags and began walking to the front door she waited for Kimberley to enter first when they walked to the front room it was silent and then Kimberley opened the door and the girls and all their kids jumped up and shouted


Kimberley gasped and looked around the room, food was laid out and there were flowers everywhere, and a banner saying welcome home, she let a huge grin play on her lips she turned to her wife

“did you plan this” she asked

“well it was Nadine’s idea but I helped before I came to the hospital” Cheryl smiled

“mummy , ,mummy” Kimberley heard then a load of arms were wrapped around her Leon had his arms around her waist the same and chantell and the twins had their arms around her shoulders

“we’ve missed you loads mummy” chantell said with tears in her eyes

“I ‘ve missed you all to baby don’t cry” Kimberley said wiping the girls tears away Kimberley moved into the room and hugged all the girls

“thanks for this girls” Kimberley said

“no problem babes” Sarah said

“your worth” Nadine said adding a wink in there making the group of women laugh

“that’s not funny” Cheryl said

“yer but I did a good impression though” Nadine said

The women continued to talk and the kids talked and played with each other having fun.

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