Chapters 31+32+33

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Chapter 31

Through out the week the Tweedy-Walsh household went back to normal after Kimberley got out of hospital the girls were in the recording studio when Cheryl got a call on her mobile

“hello?” she said

“hello this is fern tree  primary school here is this MRS Cheryl tweedy-Walsh?” the woman on the other end of the phone said

“yes this Is Cheryl” Cheryl replied

“we need you and your partner to come to the school there has been an incident involving your daughter Chantell”

“what’s happened?” Cheryl asked

“we will tell you when you come to the school”

“okay we will be there in 15 minutes” with that Cheryl put the phone down and went over to Kimberley who was talking to Nicola

“babes we need to go to the school something’s happened with chantell” Cheryl says

“oh okay do you know what happened” Kimberley said

“no they said they will tell us when we get there” Cheryl said as they made their way to the car

Cheryl and Kimberley arrived back home with chantell and they sat in the living room together

“babes will you tell us what happened?” Kimberley asked her daughter

“babes we wont shout at you we just want to know that’s all” Cheryl added sitting next to the young girl

“well I was in the playground when  a group of girl were calling me names and then they said girls aloud are crap and that you cant sing and then they said that you and mummy were filthy dykes so I hit one of them ” chantell said crying

Cheryl and Kimberley looked at each other and didn’t know what to say they were both thinking the same thing how could someone say that to their daughter

“babes its not nice when people say stuff but you shouldn’t hit them you should have walked away and told a teacher and me and mammy will go down the school tomorrow and sort all of this out okay and don’t worry me and mammy aren’t angry at you for what you did” Kimberley said hugging the girl

“okay mummy” chantell said when her tears dried

“why don’t you go upstairs and play” Cheryl said giving the girl a kiss on the head and watching her leave the room

“I cant believe a girl would say that to her I mean she is only 10” Cheryl said looking at Kimberley

“I know babes but we will sort it out” she replied hugging the Geordie close.

Chapter 32

Cheryl and Kimberley have arrived home from picking the younger kids up from school charlotte and scarlotte were already home and were in the kitchen,

“I can now finally get up at what ever time I want to now that the holiday has started” charlotte says with a sigh

“I know right this holiday will be cool” scarlotte sad laughing

“what are you two laughing at?” Cheryl asks as she enters the kitchen

“about what we’re gonna do in the holiday Sambuca is ungrounded now” scarlotte said

“about time init I mean now we can do stuff with her now I mean outside of her house” charlotte laughs

“girls I was thinking that during the holiday we could all go to Barbados” Cheryl said

“yeah that would be cool” scarlotte said

“yeah cool beans mam” charlotte added

“okay I will talk to mum about it” Cheryl smiled and left the room she walked into the living room where Kimberley was tidying up a bit

“babes I was thinking” Cheryl started and sat down on the sofa and waited for kim to join her, Kimberley sat next to her and kisses her on the lips and raised an eyebrow for her to continue talking

“how about we go Barbados with the kids in the holiday?” Cheryl said with a smile

‘yeah sounds good babes will make a changed we normally go LA” Kimberley said resting a hand on the Geordie girls knee

“yeah I know that’s why I said Barbados” Cheryl said

“yeah we should go I will see flight tickets tomorrow” Kimberley said

The two younger kids ran into the living room at that moment and sat on the opposite sofa and started talking about the school holiday they didn’t break up until the end of the week unlike the twins who broke up today  Kimberley looked round and saw the twins enter the room then she thought of something that her and Cheryl had said to charlotte

“charlotte will you come in the kitchen with me for a moment?” Kimberley said getting up the teenager followed her and sat in the kitchen

“what’s up mum?” charlotte asked

“well I was thinking about what me and mam said before about you seeing someone about your self harming do you still want that?” Kimberley said

“yeah I kinda do but then I don’t I mean what if the press find out they would be all over me” charlotte says

“babes they wont find out I promise and if they do we will just release a statement saying something okay?” Kimberley said hugging the girl

“okay then mummy” charlotte then broke out of the hug and went upstairs Kimberley went into the living room and sat down again next to Cheryl.

Chapter 33

The next few days flew past with Cheryl and Kimberley sorting out the holiday and the younger kids at school it was soon the weekend and the family of six were at home as the weather was bad, Cheryl and Kimberley were in the front room when the door bell rang

“I’ll get it” Kimberley said and got up and answered the door to find their 3 friends behind it

“hey girls come in” Kimberley smiled and hugged the 3 of them they all went into the living room to find chantell sitting on the floor in front of Cheryl having her hair done into a pony tail

“alright chezza?” Sarah said taking a seat on the opposite sofa being followed by Nadine and Nicola, Kimberley took her seat again next to Cheryl

“yeah I'm fine babes you?”  Cheryl replied to Sarah’s question

“yeah I'm good ta” Sarah said

“there you go babes all done” Cheryl said to chantell, chantell got up from the floor and ran upstairs

“what you girls got planned for the school holidays then?” Nadine asked

“well we are going to go Barbados with the kids” Kimberley said places an arm around cheryl’s waist

“oh sounds nice” Nicola said the girls chatted for a while, Kimberley looked around the room to see that everything had fallen into place, she had the 3 best friends In the world a loving wife and 4 amazing children she couldn’t ask for more , she looked at Cheryl to be net with chocolate eyes she smiled and placed a kiss on her lips they were both thinking the same thing they were so in tune with each other they didn’t need words to know what the other was thinking

“we are one big happy family, with the girls and their kids and our kids” Cheryl smiled

“I know I couldn’t be more happier than I am now” Kimberley smiled back

“I love you” Cheryl said

“I love you too babes” Kimberley said and hugged the girl closer to her.

The End

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