Chapters 17+18

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Chapter 17

The plane touched down at LAX  and the family of six walked off the plane and into a waiting car to take them to their villa, they reached the villa and walked in.

“Kids unpack your stuff then you can go outside to the pool” Cheryl said to the children they all went their separate ways to their rooms while Kimberley went in the kitchen to do some tea.

“I was thinking on the plane while you slept that later we could go out the twins can look after the little ones I want to take you out” Cheryl said looking at Kimberley

“where we going?” she asked

“ah that’s a surprise don’t worry I will tell you what to wear nearer the time” Cheryl said  scarlotte walked in the kitchen at that moment

“is it okay if I go for a walk?” she asked

“yeah but don’t go far okay” Kimberley said scarlotte left the villa ad walked down the road

“I wonder why she went for a walk I thought she would want to sunbath” Kimberley said

“I don’t know maybe she wanted some air”

“hmmm..” Kimberley past Cheryl her cup and went into the spacious front room , they sat down and started talking about anything and everything when Leon ran into the room wearing his swimming bottoms

“can I go in the pool now please please, please” he asked with a huge smile showing his missing tooth in the front of his mouth

“did you unpack your things or did you just get out your swimming pants?” Kimberley asked the boy

“just got out my swimming pants” he laughed causing Cheryl to laugh

“go on then me and mammy will be out in a minute Leon ran straight outside and jumped in the pool

“he is so much like you” kimberley stated

“really?” Cheryl said

“yes you don’t unpack either and you always go for the pool first” Kimberley said smiling

“I don’t unpack because you always change where I put my things anyway ,so I just leave it for you to do now” she replied with a grin Kimberley just laughed

“where’d lottie go?” charlotte asked walking in the room referring to scarlotte

“she went for a walk” Cheryl said looking at her daughter

“oh” she said then walked out to the pool and sat on one of the sun loungers, the women soon followed

Meanwhile scarlotte was walking around near the villa when she stopped and looked at the scene around her, she hadn’t thought a lot since what happened with Derek if she did she would only cry about it, but as she continued walked she spotted someone that made her look twice at them

“it cant be?” she thought she moved closer until she saw the person clearly in the sunlight

“it is , its that twat and I thought this walk would be good” she hissed inside her head

Tears started to sting her eyes as she looked at the person only a few feet away.

Chapter 18

Scarlotte continued to look at the man walking a dog, she didn’t know hat to think  she soon started to walk back to villa when she tired to forget what she had seen she didn’t want to ruin the holiday for her sister or her mothers. She walked through the villa until she found everyone out near the pool

“hey I'm back” she said

“hey darling have a good walk?” Kimberley asked

“yeah was okay I love the scenery here” scarlotte said taking a seat on a spare sun lounger and over looking her younger brother and sister in the pool while her mam and charlotte were talking she didn’t know what about but it look like they were deep in conversation , she got out her iPod and started listening to music.

“so how do you feel now?” Cheryl asked charlotte

“I feel okay still a bit upset about the whole derek thing but I will get over it he ain't worth it” charlotte showed a weak smile

“just know me and mum are always here you can always talk to us okay we will listen and try and help” Cheryl smiled

“I know and thank you I couldn’t ask for more better parents then both of you's” charlotte got u and hugged her mother and then went but to reading Cheryl got up and walked over to Kimberley giving her a kiss on the cheek then on the lips

“love you baby” she said

“love you too sweetie” Kimberley replied

Cheryl walked into the house to get some water and walked back out sitting next to Kimberley

“we have to get ready soon babes” Cheryl said to her wife

“okay babes I’ll get in the shower now” Kimberley got up and walked into the villa to get ready

“Leon ,Chantell its time to get out now” Cheryl said to her younger children

“but mammy I wanna stay in here” Leon moaned

“baby boy you cant come on get out you to chan” The children got out of the pool and sat next to their mother Cheryl turned to her older daughters before saying

“girl will you be okay to look after Leon and chantell this evening I'm going to take your mum out as a surprise”

“yeah we will be okay” scarlotte said looking from charlotte to her mam

“where you taking her?” charlotte asked

“ah that is a surprise and I wont tell you cos if she found out you knew she will try and get it out of you's” Cheryl said

“aww that is sweet” scarlotte said she loved that her mums were so in love she knew they would be together forever.

“Anyway I going to get ready watch over the kids for me please girls” Cheryl said to the twins

“we will” they both replied Cheryl went into villa to get ready for her and Kimberley night out.

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