Chapters 27+28

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Chapter 27

Cheryl ran into the hospital and slammed her hands down on the desk before saying

“my wife Kimberley was taken here she was in a car accident I need to know where she is”

“she is In the operating room at the moment why don’t I take you the room we have set up for her” the nurse says and she leads the way to the room when Cheryl walks in she turns to the nurse

“why is she is the operating room what’s happened?” she asked scared for Kimberley’s life

“she had internal bleeding and she has a shattered right arm they are fixing her arm and trying to stops the bleeding” the nurse says calmly

“okay oh god oh god is she going to be okay?” Cheryl asks as tears fill her eyes

“well she went into ta coma in the ambulance and they wont know anything more until they have done the operating” the nurse said smiling at the Geordie

“she’s in a coma” Cheryl says as she sits in the chair in the room not taking the news well she soon starts sobbing the nurse places a hand on her shoulder and then leaves the room, Cheryl looks up at the room all the walls are white and it has a blue floor tears still fall form her eyes as she pulls her phone out to tell the girls what’s happened. An hour later and Kimberley still hasn’t come out of the operating room Cheryl started pacing in the small room when the door opened and her 3 best friends walked in

“oh Cheryl” Nicola says hugging the girl tight the other girls followed and hugged the Geordie

“how long has kim been in the operating room?” Nadine asks

“well she was in there when I arrived and that was just over an hour ago” Cheryl says sniffing slightly

“she’ll be okay chez she will pull though” Sarah said

“how she’s in a coma, she could be in a coma for years and not wake up” Cheryl says and at the thought of that happening she starts crying again she fills 3 pairs of arms around her and she starts sobbing harder as they all pull away someone walks through the door

“hello I'm doctor Norman , I have just operated on your wife” he says looking at all the girls to see which one was Cheryl

“she’s my wife how was the operation?” Cheryl says as she takes a step forward to the doctor to shake his hand

“Well the operation was a success we put her bones back in place in her right arm and we stopped the internal bleeding” he says smiling

“when will she wake up?” Cheryl asks

“well that I cannot say its up to her mind and body when she does, but I'm very hopeful she will wake up” he says

“oh okay thank you doctor” Cheryl says and the doctor leave the girl alone again in the room.

Chapter 28

Its been 2 weeks since Kimberley went into a coma and no change has happened Cheryl has been there everyday not moving away from her wife’s side, Cheryl was at the hospital today like always when the door to Kimberley’s room opened, Cheryl looked up to see Nicola walking in

“hey chez has there been any change?” she asked

“No babes, no change” Cheryl said looking from Nicola to Kimberley she stroked her hand with hers and said

“kimba babes you need to wake up, the kids need you , I need you please wake up open your beautiful eyes please” Cheryl laid her head down on the bed and began to cry softly she felt a hand on her back and she knew Nicola was trying to comfort her, she turned her head to look at the younger girl

“is she ever going to wake up?” she asked

“of course she is babes, we just need to wait and she will I promise” Nicola replied Cheryl sniffed and looked back at her wife , she was laying so still it was like she was dead the only way Cheryl knew she wasn’t so her chest moving up and down , the door opened again to reveal Kimberley’s mum behind it she took a seat on the other side of the bed and looked at Cheryl

“how are you holding up dear?” she asked

“okay I guess I just wish she would wake up” Cheryl replied

“I know darling and she will in her own time” Diane said Cheryl nodded in response

“Sarah and Nadine are still with the kids, she said they want to come here to see kimba” Nicola said looking up from her phone

“I guess they will have to see her at some point tell her its okay they can come” Cheryl said

“I’m just going to the loo keep an eye on her please” Cheryl said to both women she got up and placed a gentle kiss on Kimberley’s head and headed to the toilet.

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