Chapters 11+12

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Chapter 11

“I guess you remember me then?” she said

“of course I remember you you’re the only person who has been on my bloody mind for the past 10 years” Derek said sounding annoyed

“alright no need to be rude” Cheryl said down the phone

“well you have phoned me at 4 in the morning over here so im bound to be a bit annoyed!” he said

“well I'm sorry for phoning but this phone call is actually about your daughters remember them? You left them 16 years ago” Cheryl hissed

“if I remember I wanted to see them but you didn’t let me”

“I had every right not to let you see them”

“what did you want anyway?” he said still annoyed

“well me and Kimberley told the girls about you a few nights ago they want to see you” Cheryl said

“ah so your still with her then I thought you's wouldn’t last 2 more years after I saw you to tell her that my nose is still sore wont you” Derek said in a sarcastic tone which p!ssed Cheryl off

“she has a name this isn’t about Kimberley its about your children” Cheryl shouted down the phone making Kimberley move closer to the woman and wrap an arm around her

“fine I will fly over in a few days I will send you the flight details” Derek said before Cheryl could say anything more the phone went dead she stared at the phone is pure anger

“I cant believe that man he is vile!” Cheryl said to herself more than anyone

“what did he say?” Kimberley asked kissing Cheryl on the cheek

“well he said that he would fly over in a few days he didn’t even sound that he was interested and he said he thought we wouldn’t last to more years after he saw us that day” Cheryl sighed in frustration 

“its okay baby the girls will see what he is like when they meet him don’t worry” kim said rubbing the younger girls back for comfort

“I don’t even know if I want them seeing him now after that conversation” she said, she rested her head on kim's shoulder and closed her eyes

“lets go upstairs baby get some rest okay” Kimberley said stroking the woman’s hair

“yeah okay” they went upstairs hand in hand to go to sleep

The next morning Cheryl got a text from Derek saying he booked flights for two days time to come over now all Cheryl and Kimberley had to do was tell the girls, they were sat in the living room with the girls ready to tell them

“I phoned derek last night” Cheryl said

“really!?” charlotte said with a confused face

“we said we would try and find him and we have” Kimberley stated

“I know but I didn’t think you would find him that quick what did he say?” charlotte asked

“well he has got a flight for two days coming so he will be here on Saturday” Cheryl said

“so what we are going to meet him on Saturday?” scarlotte said not looking impressed

“yes you will on Saturday he will be flying all the way from America” kimeberley said looking at her daughters charlotte looked a little bit happy but scarlotte looked bored at the idea of meeting her father

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