Chapters 25+26

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Chapter 25

It was the day of the party and the twins were out with Sambuca and Jayden while their mums were preparing the house for the party

“okay the banners are up and the balloons are in place” Kimberley said

“all we need to do now is fill the helium balloons up” Cheryl said as she turned she saw Nicola’s little boy carl breathing in the helium

“carl don’t to that Its bad for you” Nicola said coming in the room

“but it makes my voice go funny” carl said with his helium voice

“that’s funny let me try” chantell said

“No!” Kimberley said taking the helium machine away from the kids

“maybe we shouldn’t fill the balloons with helium” Cheryl suggested

“yeah I think your right” Kimberley said hiding the machine

“right Sambuca phoned me she said their on their way back” Sarah said entering the room with Nadine

“wow this looks great” Nadine said looking around the room there was a knock on the door Cheryl went to answer it

“hi mam come in, hi dad” Cheryl said hugging both her parents

“hello daring” Joan said breaking away from the hug and walking into the front room and hugging Kimberley and the rest of the girls, soon everyone arrived and it was soon time the twins to arrive

They heard a key in the door and everyone apart from Kimberley and Cheryl hid they walked out to the hallway

“hey girls did you have fun?” Cheryl asked

“yeah we had a great time Jayden fell over his own feet it was so funny he did a face plant” charlotte said laughing a little at the memory

“come in the front room and show as what you brought” Kimberley said moving to the front room when the girls entered everyone jumped out from their hiding places and shouted surprise

“ahhh!” charlotte said

“oh my god” scarlotte said they both had huge smiles on their face and went to hug everyone in the room

“this is so great thank you mam thank you mum” charlotte said hugging both her parents then scarlotte did the same

“did you's know about this?” scarlotte asked

“yeah we knew that’s why we took you out to town” Sambuca said smiling

“how did you keep this a secrete ?” charlotte asked Jayden

“well I did it was hard” he said

“your mam paid you didn’t she?” she asked

‘yeah she did she gave me 20 pound” he laughed causing the 4 friends to laugh

“present time” Kimberley said, the girls sat on the sofa and started to open their presents, they got necklaces from sarah and tommy, matching bags from Nadine and Greg, and they got shoes and bracelets from Nicola and Charlie

“thank you so much for our presents” charlotte said

“wait mam where's ours from you and mum?” scarlotte asked 

“well wait here a seconds I’ll get it” Kimberley said she walked out the room and a few seconds later she came back with a big box she set it on the floor and the girls sat on the floor next to it.

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