Chapters 9+10

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Chapter 9

*knock knock*

Cheryl got up from her seat on the sofa to answer the door she opened the door and Nicola and her kids where on the other side

“hey babes come in hey carl, hey jade” Cheryl said as she moved out of the way to let Nicola and the kids in she hugged her friend and went into the kitchen where Kimberley had already stuck the kettle on

“hiya babes” Kimberley said hugging the younger girl

“hello auntie kimba” both carl and jade said to Kimberley both hugging her then hugging Cheryl

“why don’t you's go into the front room Chantell and leon are in there” Cheryl said she watched the kids go into the front room

“so I got a call from Hilary this morning saying we have 3 weeks off?” Nicola said she raised an eyebrow as if to say why have we got that time off

“it a long story nic” Kimberley said placing a cup in front of Nicola

“well I have all the time you need to tell me” she said picking the cup up

“well the short story charlotte’s being feeling low lately and she self harmed so we asked for the time off so we can spend some more time with her show her we’re here for her

“oh my god why did she do that?” Nicola said shocked

“well she said she’s been feeling empty and lonely and that she has been thinking about Derek since we told her and scarlotte about him she even watched Cheryl’s parachute video to look at him” Kimberley said placing an arm around cheryl’s waist

“wow I mean why didn’t she just tell you's?” Nicola said

“she thought she would be disappointing us if we found out” Cheryl said looking at the floor

“bless her the poor girl well at least its out now and she knows you’re here for her and you know me and the others would do anything for her and the other kids and you's for that matter” Nicola said looking at both the women

“we know nic thanks” Kimberley said placing a hand over the younger girls hand

The women continued to talk for a few hours before Nicola left with her kids Kimberley started on dinner while Cheryl was sat in the front room with chantell and leon while upstairs charlotte knocked on scralotte door

“come in” came scarlottes voice charlotte entered the room she scanned the big spaced room before seeing it was in its usual mess clothes all around the room books placed everywhere she stepped over the pieces of clothes on the floor and sat on her sisters bed

“can I show you something without you freaking out?” charlotte asked

“yeah of course what is it?” scarlotte looked up from her notebook charlotte pulled the sleeves of her top up to show her sister her cuts scarlotte just stayed silent for a while before reaching a hand out and gently outlining the cuts

“why?” she asked

“cos I felt so down and lonely like I couldn’t talk to anyone” charlotte said

“babes you could have talked to me I wouldn’t have thought any different of you I mean don’t think different of you your still my sister and I love you no matter what come here” scarlotte said opening her arms out wide charlotte fell into the embraced and hugged her sister tightly

“just promise me when you feel like that again you will come and tell me , does mam and mum know?” scarlotte asked still hugging her sister

“yeah I told them last night” charlotte sniffed

“okay,… is this about Derek?” she asked

“kinda I mean it is a part of the reason” charlotte quietly said

“oh” was all scarlotte could say she didn’t care about Derek she didn’t want to know him but she knew it was always a sensitive subject for charlotte

“mam and mum said if I wanted they would help find him so we could see him” charlotte said


“yeah” scarlotte stayed quite thinking about what it  would be like to see him, she didn’t want to see him he must have caused her mam so much pain what he did to her and she felt like punching him for what he did to her mam and her sister.

Chapter 10

Cheryl and Kimberley where sat down stairs in the front room talking about the holiday when scarlotte entered the room

“mam, mum char told me about last night I was wondering if you meant what you said about you's looking of Derek?” scarlotte said

“yeah we meant it babes why?” Cheryl asked

“just wondered I mean I know charlotte wants to meet him but I don’t” she said looking at the floor

“why not babes ?”Kimberley asked her daughter

“cos I just don’t and I don’t need or want him in my life”

“okay babes maybe if we do get in touch with him you could meet him just once for char? “Cheryl tried to reason with her daughter

“I guess I could I mean for char” scarlotte said looking at her mothers

“okay babes” Cheryl said smiling scarlotte left the room to go upstairs

Kimberley turned to Cheryl before saying

“how would we find him Chez I mean what if he has changed his number or moved back to America it has been 10 years”

“I know I guess we could try the number we have or try and get in touch with his manger or something” Cheryl said as she was in deep thought about what to do

We’ll try later yeah” Kimberley said stroking a hand down the side of Cheryl’s face Cheryl turned her head and kissed Kimberley on the lips before getting the laptop

“what you doing?” Kimberley asked

“well I’m going to Google him and see where it leads” Cheryl smiled she didn’t like the idea of getting in touch with Derek but it was for her daughters so she would have to.

Later that evening Kimberley was washing up when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind and a felt a kiss being placed below her ear

“hey baby” she said

“hey beautiful I found something about him” Cheryl said with a sigh

“oh yeah what?” Kimberley had now turned round and looked at Cheryl

“well I found out he is now in America and I got a number” she said

“oh okay so what are we gonna do?” she asked

“well I could ring him and go from there” Cheryl said raising an eyebrow she got out her phone and looked at the piece of paper in her hand she dialled the numbers and waited.

The phone rang and rang she was about to hung up when the phone was answered

“hello” came a sleepy male voice

“h..helloo Derek it Cheryl, Cheryl tweedy-Walsh” she said down the phone

“oh” was all what came from the other end.

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