Chapters 19+20

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Chapter 19

Kimberley looked at her reflect in the mirror her hair was done to perfection as well as her make-up she didn’t have a lot on but you could still see that she had some on she was wearing a knee length red dress that had thin straps holding it in place she smoothed down her dress one more time before turning towards the door she walked down the stairs and stopped half way to look down at Cheryl at the bottom of the stairs she gasp at the look of Cheryl, her brown hair hung loosely around her shoulders her make-up done perfectly she was wearing a small black dress which stopped at her thighs slightly showing off her tattoo

“Babes you look stunning” Cheryl said

“You don’t look too bad yourself” Kimberley smiled she continued down the stairs when she reached Cheryl she hugged her tight

“so where are you taking me ?” she asked

“not telling” Cheryl replied cheekily causing Kim to pout

“Baby don’t pout it ain't gonna work this time kimba” Cheryl winked

“Right girls the little ones have to be in bed by 9 and don’t answer the door to anyone okay” Cheryl said to the twins

“Yeah we know mam have a good time” charlotte said

“Lets go baby girl” Cheryl turned and kissed Kimberley on the cheek before opening the door and leading Kimberley out and to their waiting car.

They arrived at the destination Cheryl got out first and went round to Kimberley’s side and opened the door for her to get out they walked hand in hand to the small restaurant they were seated to a private sitting area they ordered some wine and looked at the menu. Kimberley was looking at the menu when she felt a pair of eyes on her she looked up and stared straight into Cheryl’s eyes

“what” she asked

“Nothing you look so beautiful tonight” Cheryl said sweetly

“Thank you so do you” Kimberley blushed slightly they ordered their food and continued chatting while they waited

“I cant believe we have been married for nearly ten years” Kimberley said

“I know it only seems like yesterday we got married I remember that day perfectly” Cheryl said

“me too baby, and each day after the wedding I’ve fallen even more in love with you my angel” Kimberley said reaching to hold Cheryl’s hand, Cheryl held her hand tightly telling her she felt the same

Meanwhile at the house the twins were having some trouble

“no I don’t wanna go to bed until mummy and mammy get back to read me a story!” Leon said

“leon me and char-char will read you a story” scarlotte tried to tell the little boy but he weren’t having none of it

“I've got chantell to bed, Leon babes you have to sleep and then in the morning we can all go to the beach” charlotte said

“No I want mummy and mammy” Leon said sitting up in bed

“babes they have gone out but if you go to sleep when you wake up they will be here” charlotte said stroking the boys hair

“how about I stroke your nose will that help you sleep” charlotte asked

Leon simply nodded he laid down and charlotte stared to stroke his nose gently within 10 minutes he was out like a light

“how do you do it you will be a great mother one day char” scarlotte said to her sister

“hahaha thanks nah I remember mum stroking his nose one night so I thought I would do it, it helps him sleep “ Both girls went to the front room and turned the TV on when they heard a dog barking from outside

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