Chapters 21+22

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Chapter 21

At the beach Cheryl, Kimberley, Nadine and Greg were talking while Leon and daisy were making sand castles and the twins were talking to Jayden and chantell was sitting next to the parents trying to hear the conversation they were having

“I cant wait to go back into the studio we only have a few months left before the album is released” Nadine said

“I know I hope the fans will like it” Kimberley said

“I’m sure they will they have liked all of your other work and plus your fans are so loyal” Greg added

“I know they are lovely I cant wait for the tour!” Cheryl said

“it will be epic I know it well it has to be it is our last” Nadine said

Meanwhile a few feet away from the adults Jayden and the twins were talking

“so how long have you known?” charlotte asked

“for a while now I was just scared of telling people yous are the first to know I will tell mum and Greg later but I don’t know about my dad he isn’t open minded about that stuff” Jayden said

“I’m sure he will be fine” scarlotte said

“either that or he will beat me” Jayden said

“why would you say that?” scarlotte asked

“cos I heard mam and Greg talking on the plane and they were talking about when my dad beat my mam up when I was 2” Jayden said with his eyes wide open

“oh my god really” charlotte said

“yeah and I think that was why they got divorced cant say I blame mam, I hate my dad anyway” he said

“why?” scarlotte asked 

“cos I just do now even more after what I've learnt what happened I mean do you think mam would have ever told me I mean what if he hit me!” Jayden said

“I don’t think he would have he is so nice to you” charlotte said

“anyway away from my idiot of a father I don’t know how to tell my mam and Greg and then i will have to tell Sambuca and your mums and auntie sarah and uncle tommy I just , I'm so scared” Jayden said looking to the ground

“I’m sure everyone will be fine I mean I know our mums will be fine about it why wouldn’t they be duh” charlotte said

“true, I'm going in the sea you coming?” Jayden asked

“yeah I will” scarlotte smiled and walked off with Jayden towards the sea, charlotte moved her sun lounger to be closer to her sister chantell

“what they talking about?” she asked her younger sibling

“oh just about the album and the tour nothing good” chantell said

“why ain't you making sand castles with Leon and daisy?”

“I don’t want to its boring” chantell said

“oh okay I will then” charlotte said and walked off to her brother and daisy

“you never guess who called me last night” Cheryl said

“not Derek?”  Nadine said

“no like hell he would no it was simon” Cheryl said

“really wow what did he want ?” Greg said

“he wants me to go back to the X-factor said it hasn’t been the same without me said the rating have drop by a lot” she said taking hold of kim's hand

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