Chapters 23+24

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Chapter 23

“Bye Nadz bye Jay” Cheryl and Kimberley waved the two of them off and shut the door and went into the living room

“My mum will be here soon to drop the little ones off” Kimberley said

“There not little anymore” Cheryl sighed she thought her kids wee growing up fast for her liking

“I know babes but their little to us has Simon phoned you again ?” Kimberley asked because Cheryl just look at phone

“Yeah but I told him earlier I weren’t going back but he keeps ringing I think he wants to win me back it wont happen” Cheryl said putting her phone down

“We have to go into the studio tomorrow” Kimberley said

“I know I cant wait to record my favourite song” Cheryl said smiling

“What ones that?” she asked

“heaven” Cheryl replied

“oh right it is a nice one” Kimberley said

“what’s yours?” Cheryl asked

“one tear” came the reply

“oh that ones good too” Cheryl said nodding .

The next day the girls were recording and the going to do a TV interview and performing a song of their new album “grace”

The girls were on Daybreak singing their new song

“From that moment and forever on,

I was roaming about in the darkness

I have no idea when I will break

Within the darkness

There is grace.

To push the heart of dreams through Going right and left without is so nice

In the place now, where we meet sweetly unhaunted and sadly gazing At each other

I obtained the pure hearted stammers of a maiden Who would know the strangeness of such actions

Mates i'm unable to walk even my feelings are drawn to the love of adults

Yes it resembles it well… where is the answer that I seek I embrace this dream beyond yearning, which is like yearning  So as a young girl, I attract love to me so much I don’t need it

While everyone isn’t ashamed, it cant be stopped by anyone Why is love beneficial ?

From that moment and forever on,

I was roaming about in the darkness

I have no idea when I will break

Within the darkness

There is grace.”

“that was girls aloud with their new song “grace” well done girls I'm sure it will be another number 1 ” the Presenter said

“thank  you” the girls all replied at the same time

“so when is the new album out?” he asked

“In 3 months time” Nadine said

“oh right and it is called forever aloud”

“yes it is” Nicola said

“Well it sounds like a good one I cant wait for it to be released” he said

“we all love the songs we have picked and we hope the fans will like them too” Cheryl said

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