Chapters 13+14

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Chapter 13

In central London in a small café sat Derek, charlotte and scarlotte in a corner

“so mam said you are a dancer?” charlotte said

“yeah I used to do dancing that’s how I met your mum but five years ago I had a back injury so I had to stop doing dancing” Derek replied with a sad sigh

“oh I'm sorry to hear that you must miss it” scalotte said with a hint of sarcasm

“yeah I do now I just work behind a bar in LA”   

“oh cool auntie Nadine has a bar in LA called Nadine’s Irish mist it good” charlotte said

“yeah I've seen it I haven’t been in there” he said

“so tell me about yourselves” Derek said sounding bored looking around the café

“well we’re 15 years old soon to be 16 in two weeks time we go to school with auntie sarah’s kid Sambuca and auntie Nadine’s boy Jayden and we have a little sister named chantell and a little brother called Leon” charlotte said cheerfully

“hmm” he said then realized that she had stopped talking

“well that sounds fun, what did you mothers actually say about me?” he asked

“well they said you were a dancer that you's got drunk and slept together and then you came to see us but she wouldn’t let you cos you were rude” scarlotte said

“oh they left out the bit where your mum punched me” he said in a grump

Scarlotte laughed her head off when he said that she couldn’t stop laughing for at least 10 minutes

“it wasn’t funny” Derek said

“you must have dissevered it though” charlotte said holding back her laughter scarlotte had finally stopped laughing the asked a question

“so how comes you's didn’t want nothing to do with us?”

“well I was young at the time and to honest I don’t really want anything to do with you's now I only came here to meet you once see how you grown up and I can see that your mums have done a good job I never thought for one minute they would last this long” Derek grinned

“I cant believe you just said that, you’re a pig don’t you dare say any bad about our mums they are the best people we know their worth 10 of you” with that said scarlotte lifted her cup of tea up and threw it all over Derek charlotte shot up from her seat with tears in her eyes and ran out of the café scarlotte following her not before shouting back at Derek “we never want to see you again ever!”

Scarlotte got out her phone while hugging charlotte tightly her mum picked up on the first ring

“can you pick us up” she said holding back her tears she didn’t know why she wanted to cry she didn’t care about Derek maybe it was because he said he didn’t care or want them that made her want to cry

“of course tell me where you are me and mam will come I will get auntie Nadine to watch over the younger ones” Kimberley said down the phone, scarlotte told her where they were and were stood there for a few minutes when a pap started taking pictures of them it didn’t help charlotte was crying

“p!ss off you idiot go away” scarlotte shouted at him

“ohh just like your mam then feisty where you here to meet your father Derek hough we saw him with you's earlier” he said continuing to take pictures of the twins

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