Chapters 5+6

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Chapter 5

“our father?” charlotte said quietly

“yes” Kimberley said looking at Cheryl telling her to start the story

“His name Derek he is a dancer I don’t know if he still dances I worked with him on a video shoot back in 2010, I had been in LA for 3 weeks and we had gone clubbing I had had a few drinks so I was drunk after I didn’t remember what happened that night until I got a call when I was 6 months pregnant with you's, it was Derek he phoned me to tell me what happened that night he said he never planned on getting drunk that he was going to look out for me but he did get drunk and we went back to the hotel and you can pretty much guess what happened after. Cheryl paused for a bit to think

“did he say anything about us?” charlotte said

“yes he did he said he didn’t want nothing to do with you's said that he was more than happy for me and mum to raise you both, … but when you were both 5 he showed up on the doorstep demanding to see the both of you he said sorry about what he did to me , he said he wanted to see you before he moved away from America to new Zealand . I didn’t think it was right for him to just come here and demanding to you see you both after we had a row both of us me and your mum had words with him and he agreed it was wrong of him to just turn up so he left and has never been back. Cheryl finished the story and looked at both her daughters they were sat on the sofa quite the twins looked at each other thinking the same thing

“so Derek was your friend and he did that to you, when your were vulnerable that’s just wrong “ scarlotte said

“do you have a picture?” charlotte asked Cheryl looked at kim she nodded, she Kimberley got up and went to the kitchen she came back  minutes later with something in her hand she handed it over to the girls they both studied it for a while before scarlotte spoke up

“well one thing I can see that is good is that we look nothing like him”

“charlotte?” Kimberley said

“I..I don’t know what to say I mean he doesn’t care for us so why should we care about him he’s nothing to us both of you's are our parents, you raise us, feed us and love us that’s all we need right?” charlotte looked to her sister

“that’s right he’s nothing we think of him more as a sperm donor as a father” scarlotte smiles at her mothers

“really so you don’t want to know about him or try and find him” Cheryl asked with a puzzled look on her face

“really we don’t you have told us all we need to know” scarlotte said getting up to hug both of her mums charlotte got up and did the same

“thank you for telling us it means a lot” charlotte said breaking out of the hug from her mam

“it fine darling but if you ever want to now anything about him just ask okay” Cheryl said to both girls

“we will night night” scarlotte heading up the stairs

“night mam night mum” charlotte said as she too made her way upstairs

Cheryl looked at her wife with a puzzled look still

“well that was not what I was expecting, you?”

“nope I thought they’d ask questions and stuff I guess growing up without a dad never really effected them” Cheryl said with a small smile

“I guess so” Kimberley said picking up the picture of Derek and placing it back in the kitchen draw

“lets go to bed baby I'm tired” Cheryl said holding kim's hand both women headed for their bedroom

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