Chapters 3+4

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Chapter 3

“Have fun leon I will be back in 2 hours” Kimberley said as she hugged her son before watching him enter the dance hall for his street dance lesson, she made her way to her car she just put her seat belt on when her phone beeped telling her she had a new message it was from Nadine 

Hey kimba was just wondering if we were still having that drink round yours tonight let me know yeah hun luv N x

Both her and Cheryl had told the girls to come round for a drink to celebrate starting the new album Nadine would be bringing both Jayden 12 and daisy 5 , Sarah would be bringing Sambuca 13 and her 7 year old son Jackson to as well as Nicola bringing Carl 10 and jade 6, the girls thought it would be okay as all the kids got along really well and they loved spending time with each other

Kimberley replied to Nadine telling her tonight was still on and to get there for 8 she started the car engine and headed home

“you okay charlotte?” Cheryl asked her daughter

“yeah why wouldn’t I be?” she said looking at her mam

“it just your really quite that’s all” Cheryl said stroking the teenage girl hair as they sat on the sofa

“it’s just this coursework I have to do I’m fine” her daughter replied

Cheryl happy with the answer turned her head to look at scarlotte who sat on the other sofa with her nose in a book

“good book?” she asked

“yeah its good I've already figured out the ending though” scarlotte laughed

“haven’t you got coursework to do?” Cheryl asked she liked the girls to be on top of their school studies

“yeah I will do it when I’ve finished this chapter” the teenager replied not looking away from the book


“yes baby?” Cheryl turned her head to look in the door way to find chantell standing their holding her favourite teddy When the young girl didn’t reply Cheryl got up from the sofa and walked towards her

“what’s a matter chan?” she looked at the girl and noticed tears forming in her eyes so she wrapped her arms around the little girls body and hugged her tight

“do you wanna talk in your room” Cheryl asked the girl answered by grapping her hand and pulling her towards the stairs. Chantell sat on her bed cuddling her bear Cheryl sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulders

“what’s happened sweet girl you can tell mammy” She said wiping the tears away from the girls face

“Some girls in school were mean to me they wouldn’t let me play with them and they said that I was ugly, and they said some mean things about you and mummy” Chantell said hugging the bear tighter and moving closer to her mam

“baby girl your not ugly your beautiful never let anyone tell you different okay and if they didn’t want to play with you that’s their loss didn’t you see carl in the playground?”

“yes I saw him but he was playing football so I didn’t go over to him” chantell said, her and carl were the same age and they were best friends but sometimes carl plays with other kids and doesn’t always include chantell in the games they play

“my poor baby it will be okay me and mummy will go down the school with you tomorrow and talk to your teacher okay” Cheryl smiled at her daughter

“okay mammy” chantell wrapped her arms around cheryl’s neck gave her a kiss on the cheek

“love you mammy” she said smiling at her mam

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