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I walked out of the music room with Skai behind me, I smirked hearing Zack bitching at me in the ear piece.  I looked all over the hallway seeing different pictures and posters, I rolled my eyes at the cheesy posters like the one that has a kitten on a branch and says 'hang in there'. I saw a figure walking toward us, I looked closer at the figure seeing it was Jake's younger brother. I felt my chest tighten and I turned around walking away, Skai turned and followed me. I heard slowly jog to the side of me. "What was that about?" She asked, slightly confused. "That's.... Jake's... brother.." I whispered to her, choking down tears. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the girls restroom, made sure no one was in any on the stalls than looked at me. "Are you okay?" she asked, worried. I reached my hand up to my ear that had the earpiece in and took out just as Alex shouts at me to keep it in. I handed the earpiece to Skai and walked to a stall, opened the door and closed it behind me. I slid down the wall as tears fell down my face, my chest hurt from the pain. Come on, you can do it Jesse. Ignore him. I let a breath out and blinked multiple times and stood. "You okay?" Skai asked, on the other side of the stall door. "Yeah." I whispered, opening the door and walking out. Skai handed me back the earpiece, I placed it back in my ear. "Did she put it in?" Alex asks. "Yes, I did." I whisper. "You'll be okay babe. The faster you get information and kill Kelly the faster you can get out." he tells me. "I know." I whispered. "Alex she's done talking. " Skai told him. We walked out of the bathroom into the hallway. "Hey, Addison." Oliver said, from behind us. I turned around, looking at him sharply. "Look. She has a boyfriend, you can be her friend and that's it no more. Now leave her alone cause I need my best friend right now." I snarled, obviously not in the mood. Oliver's face softened to a sad face, I know he was trying to make me feel bad but it was not working. I turned around and grabbed Skai's hand and pulled away. We walked to the room where math is, just as the bell ringed we walked into class seeing students already in the seats. My eyes traveled from the students to the teacher. "Hello! You must be Addison and Caden!." The male teacher asked. I gave a nod as Skai said 'yes'. "Well, I'm Mr. Peters. Caden you can sit next Mr. Jones and Addison you can sit next to Mr. Boyer." he tells us. I walked to where Mr. Jones was. I sat next a guy with spiked up dirty blonde hair. "Hi, I'm Seth." he whispered. I gave a small wave, not wanting to talk as my anxiety got the best of me. "Not a talker I see." he adds. "Well, Caden. I hope we can be friends." he says, smiling. I gave a small smile and nod in agreement.  I glanced over at Skai seeing her looking annoyed with the kid she had to sit next to, the guy looked annoying as well as immature. I felt a small smile grow on my lips watching the kid annoy the shit outta Skai. I looked away paying attention to the front, just as I feel something hit  my shoulder and land on the desk. I looked down seeing a paper airplane, I raised a eyebrow and glanced at Skai seeing her looking over at me with a confused look. I looked back at the paper and unraveled it seeing words. I read the paper. "I know who you are, what your classes are. I'll be watching you."  I felt my stomach tie into a knot as I crumpled the paper into a ball and passed it to Seth. I looked at him than glanced at the trash can he must of understood what I was saying as he grabbed the paper and stood up walking to the trash can. Who could of send me that paper plane? Who knows me? I hope it's not who I think it is. Seth sat back in his seat, I gave him a nod thank him. "Welcome, sweetie." he said, nicely. "The fuck did he call you?!" Alex shouts in my ear making me wince, I hope no one heard his loud mouth. I zoned out by daydreaming when I heard the bell ring. We packed up and walked out, I stood out of the room waiting for Skai when Seth walked out and suddenly hugged me. "You look like you need a hug." he said, smiling and walked away. I raised an eyebrow than looked away seeing two girls walk out but stop and looked at me. "Hello... Caden." One girl said. "Look, we just wanted to tell you that Seth may seem like a sweetheart but he's a heartbreaker so watch yourself." the other girl tells me. I nod. "Awe, you don't talk... You seem sweet, be careful we hate to see someone like you hurt." the first one said. I looked at her eyes to search for any sarcasm but instead I found truth and honesty. I gave them a small smile, they said their goodbyes and walked away. Skai finally walks out of the class room looking tired or annoyed... maybe both. Maybe she was up all night doing research or fucking Zack... I don't know and honestly don't wanna know. "What did those girls say to you?" she whispered. "They told me to be careful with Seth the guy I sit next to in Math. They think I'm a sweet girl." I whisper back. She snorted a laugh. "Man, having you quite makes everyone think your a kind girl." Skai chuckled. "She's sweet in bed." Alex says. I mentally smacked myself as my cheeks burned bright red as Skai made a face. "Don't wanna know the sex life." she said. We laughed. I hope going to lunch will make me feel better, I don't wanna deal with feeling. I know that if Jake's brother finds out who I am and goes to tell I can simply kill him. "Hey, Caden." A guy said. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Seth standing in front of me and Skai. I gave him a smile. "Hi, I'm her bestfriend Addison." Skai tells him. "Hello." Seth said, smiling. "Join me and my friends for lunch." he tells us. We followed Seth to the lunch table where five other guys sat. Seth sat down, I sat down next to Seth and Skai sat next to me. "Guys these girls are Caden and Addison, girls these guys are Scott, Mike, Ben, John and Jesse." Seth introduced. I smiled hearing me and Jesse shared the same name, I glanced at Skai seeing her smirking probably thinking the same thing. The guys talked about random things when the subject of murder was brought up, I looked up from my tray and listened in. "Have you guys heard about the murder of a father and daughter in their house, I think their last name was Pisa." Scott said. "Pahlike." I said, startling the guys. "What did you say?" Mike asked. "Pahlike is their last name." I answered, I hated hearing my last name said wrong. "Shut up, Jesse." Jack said, next to the earpiece. I mentally flipped Jack off, I looked at the guys. "Okay.. what the cops said that the daughter killed the father and daughter as well as the mother who died I think three years ago." Ben said. I bit my tongue from correcting them but my I felt the pain in my heart to think I would kill my own mother, she was the only family I had who cared.




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