World So Cold

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"How many times must we fall to our knees?" I asked, looking at the broken mirror. I walked out of the room watching my steps making sure I won't step on glass or anything sharp. "I can't believe it." Skai whispers, on the verge of tears. Jeramiah held her close as she cried, I looked around the house to see all the things we had broken and teared apart. "Everything is gone, your cameras, the laptops, the TV." Jack said, walking down the stairs with Rian following him. I crouched down looking at a broken picture frame that was of the ATL guys, Skai and I the first time we meet at a concert. I dusted the dust off and picked up the frame having the glass fall off and the frame fall apart in my hand as the picture was no longer together. I stood up and looked around the house again, how do we live in a world so cold? "I didn't believe it when you told me your guys house was shot up." Mike said walking in the house. Many walls had holes from bullets, big pieces caved in from some kind of heavy duty weapon and things scattered on the ground. They stole our identity and destroyed the things we loved for revenge. I breathed in and glanced outside since we lived far away from people nobody would of noticed or heard the house being shot up, I turned around facing everyone. "So, what do we do now?" I asked, feeling stumped. "I'm not sure.." Skai whispered. "They know who you girls are and they won't stop torturing you or scaring you until you either turn yourself in or you die." Vic says, walking out from the living room. "I won't give in, they can torture me, they can scare me, they can threaten me and they can hurt me but I will not give in!" I growled, throwing the frame watching it hit the broken wall. "I don't know Jesse... We sinned so much, I'm asking myself do we deserve to live for what we have done?" Skai said. I turned around so I could look at her. "Are you getting religious with me now!? I'm a sinner and Jesus can't help me!" I shout at her. "We killed so many innocent people!" she shouts back. "We killed people who were bad, who hurt us, who betrayed us! The firework killing spree was for fun! But who cares!? Skai what is stopping you now?!" I yelled at her. "I face the reality that I don't want to die." she says. "Haha, well Skai you fucked with death plenty times and you're still alive." I tell her, walking toward her. "Jesse." "That doesn't matter, I'm getting tired of being Bonnie and Clyde." she said. "Girls." I stepped closer to her. "You made a deal with me that we are partners in crime till death does us apart." I growled. "Girls!" "We found so many things we never realized before! You found love! You found out who you could trust! You were able to take pictures of the things you wanted without being judge!" I shout. "What did you find out?" She asked, raising a brow. I put my head down having my red hair fall in my face them looked up with a joker like smile on my face. "That I'm a psychopathic blood thirsty women." I answered, laughing maniacally after wards. "GIRLS!" Zack yelled, we snapped our heads looking at Zack who stood at the front door with Jaime leaning against him. I didn't think twice as my feet move forward in quick movement, I moved Jaime's arm to see he had a gun shot wound in his shoulder and one in his stomach. "Jack!" I shout, moving so Jack could get Jaime and help Zack walk in the house with Jaime. I ran to the kitchen and pushed of the dust and debris off the table, Skai handed me a blanket she grabbed from the car and helped me cover the table. The guys picked up Jaime and set him on the table, I grabbed my knife and cut open his shirt, ripping the shirt off so his whole torso was bare letting me tend to his wounds. I glanced up seeing everyone looking at me, I moved my head up. "Instead of watching me some of you could find out where and when he got shot, help me tend to his wounds or keep watch." I snapped. They didn't say anything as they moved quickly, the only person that stayed next to me was Skai. I grabbed the scalpel and cut open the bullet whole on his stomach hearing him groan. "Calm down Jaime, I'm taking the bullets out. Don't move." I tell him, moving my hands so I could function the way I wanted and see where the bullet was in his stomach. "Jesse, I'm sorry." Skai whispers. I grabbed the tweezers and placed them in the hole. "For what?" I asked, picking up the bullet and setting it on the table. I wanted to save the bullets so I could figure out what gun it's from. "For trying to back out when we're doing better in life." she answers, handing me a needle and thread. "It's fine, I get it." I tell her and stick the needle through the skin and thread the into the other fold of skin and kept repeating until the hole was closed, I leaned forward and bit the thread breaking it then setting it on the table. I grabbed the scalpel again and walked on the other side of Jaime and cut open the wound more so I could get the bullet. I did the same thing I did for the stomach wound  but it was quicker. I let Jaime rest on the table not wanting to move him as I walked over to the kitchen with the bullets in my hand, I pulled over a chair and looked at the bullets. "Skai, could you grab one of the guys and go to my truck and grab the box full of guns." I shout. "Yeah, sure!" she calls back. I knew the bullets weren't a pistol so that was debunked. I heard the shuffling and the tailgate shut along with some talking.  "Here you go." Zack said, I glanced at him seeing him setting the box down with the help of Skai, It's kind of ironic that she picked her ex to help her. I thanked them and opened the box then the bag, I grabbed off the bullets of all the guns I have. I laid the bullets out onto the counter and grazed them carefully looking for the same number and size. I looked the third to last bullet when I realized I found the gun that was used to shoot Jaime. A Colt M-16 was the gun used to shoot Jaime and only one person has his hands on that type of gun.  I heard a engine of a diesel truck pulling into the yard since the drive way had Vic and Mike's cars. I heard the door open and footsteps walk in, I turned my head to see James. I jogged over and gave him a tight hug. "You're taking doctor degree shit right?" I asked. "Yeah." James said. "Can you check on Jaime? He's on the kitchen table." I tell him. He nodded and walked in the kitchen, I walked in the kitchen and put back the bullets into the box then picked it up and carried it to the front door which I could kick open the door and walked out towards my truck, sliding the box onto the tail gate. I got on the tail and pushed the box to where it always sat, I starting locking the box when I heard a loud engine of a old mustang pull up to the house. I didn't bother looking up since I had a feeling it was Tony. I walked toward the gate and jumped off then closed it, latching the gate and turned around to see Seth walking toward me. I haven't seen Seth in eight months and holy shit was he hot, I mean he was before but now he was like god of gods. I felt my feet leave the ground as I ran towards Seth who had his arms wide open, I jumped into his arms and held him tightly as he held me tightly back. I wrapped my legs around his torso and loosed my arms around his neck, I moved my head back so I could see his face and moved my face close to his and planted my lips on his feeling him kiss back. I haven't been with Alex for months and since then the feelings for Seth grew, I felt him set me down. I looked at him in the eyes as I smirked, he grabbed my face and kissed me again. We walked in the house letting him see the ruined house Skai and I once called home. "Holy shit... Was anyone hurt?" Seth asked, grabbing my hand. "No... we just lost a lot of memories.." I whispered, not wanting anyone to hear me losing my strength as I showed more emotion. "I'm glad you're all okay." he tells me. I nodded not wanting to say anything as I stared at the place again. I looked over to the kitchen seeing James doing some touch ups while talking to Jaime, Jeremiah was holding Skai as she sobbed, Rian and Jack were looking through the debris and broken things for anything that wasn't broken. Zack sat on the stairs looking around as Vic and Mike were outside talking to Tony who just arrived. We walked around the house looking at things. "What kind of world do we live in? Where love is divided by hate?" I asked, staring at my bedroom which was the most ruined along with Skai's. Everything I had that meant something to me was broken or burned. I walked in my bedroom and glanced around as Seth looked through stuff. I crouched down to see a frame, I moved my hand towards it and grabbed the frame gently and turned it around so I could see what the picture was. I felt my hear shatter as I collapsed onto the ground feeling tears fall down my cheeks as I stared at the shattered glass frame that held the picture of my mom. "In a world so cold." I whispered, dusting off some debris from the burned bed I felt Seth wrap his arms around me as I sobbed into his shirt. I thought I would never break down my wall but I did. I was just a eighteen year old girl who had anger issues and anxiety, I hated school so I dropped out at sixteen and lived with Skai. I was so passionate about music that I never stopped practicing and was a model for Skai since she always told me I had a model face. We lived our lives the fullest and never let anything get in our way, we had our up and downs, we had a shitty family and bad mental health. Now I was ruthless, a bitch, crazy, insane. I was a bloodthirsty demon who killed and enjoyed it, I feel happy when I feel the knife cut into skin, and fat, I smiled when I saw blood. I never felt happiness until I killed someone with my bare hands. I fought with Skai and wanted to murder her, but in the end it's just the troubles of everything that made me go insane. No one apologize for making me go insane. I moved away from Seth and got up, setting the picture on the bed and walked out of the bedroom downstairs to see the one person I wanted see. "Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in." I said, taking the last steps down. "Hello to you to Jesse." Alex says, smirking. He closed the door behind him and walked in more, I whipped out the pistol I had in my sheath and pointed the barrel at him. "Put down the gun Jesse, I'm not here to harm anyone." he tells me. I saw everyone walk out of the rooms they were in to see what was going on. "You were the one who shot Jaime." I said. "What are you saying?" he asked, playing dumb. "Alexander! You shot Jaime with your Colt M-16!" I shout. "Calm down, it was a mistake." he said, sounding careless. I growled and walked forward. "Shooting him twice was not a mistake Alex." I snarled at him, keeping the barrel pointed at his chest. "Jesse, we don't want any trouble. Now, do we?" Alex asked, smirking. "Trouble, that's what this whole thing is, that's what our whole lives been... Trouble. I'm trouble, you're trouble, they're trouble. But in the end the trouble will come to a finish when I'll pull this trigger." I said, holding the gun at Alex aiming at his head. BOOM!


Hey everyone! I'm so happy to see so many people reading this but I'm sad that the book as come to a end but don't worry Madi and I are writing a sequel. I'm happy that we finally got to finish this book we worked so hard on, we had arguments but still wrote the book. I think having a break made us relax and work better together.  I hope you readers love this book and please vote, comment and share we'll love to see what you think. Don't be sad, all good things must come to a end.


~Jaden signing out~

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