Falling For You

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The breeze was strong today. It was beautiful out. It had only been 2 weeks after your leg had completely healed. Garroth was still some what worried about you and checked on you regularly. You hadn't noticed before but his eyes sparkled like magic in the daylight. You were sitting staring at the ocean. You were bored out of your mind. It was almost time for the sun to set.

"Hey (y/n)!" Garroth said walking toward you.

"Oh hey Garroth!" You replied.

"I am off guard duty for now... So I thought I could see you..." He said.

"I wanted to... Well maybe learn more about our lives? After I ran away?" He said sounding somewhat nervous.

"Sure. I mean for me their isn't much to tell you... Despite the fact that I hid from guards but here we go..." You said.

"When I was 3 my parents died Time skip you know all this Then when you left I was starving I had to eat dirt some days... I made it out alive, I mean of course I did or I wouldn't be speaking, but once Okasis was taken over by Tu'La and started to collect taxes I knew I had to run away... It had been long enough... The only reason I stayed was because Okasis didn't let anyone out unless they were discussing important matters. Tu'La kept the gates open at Sunset so guards could get to their patrols. I took that as an advantage and escaped. When I was coming here it was mostly me running... I ate some apples that I found on the trees along the way though. I didn't get any sleep..." You said.

"That must have been an experience..." Garroth stated.

"It sure was... Anyway your story?"

"So, when I ran away..." Garroth started. "I decided to run to Phoenix Drop. I had to hide my face. A few months after I got their the Lord died. Then (TIME SKIP TO PARTS YOU DONT KNOW) Once me and Zane were alone in the Irene Dimension I fought him off. I blocked all his attacks. But... Once he slammed his sword into my side and slammed me into the wall... Somehow this healed... I found out that it was from Aphmau's healing magicks... I don't know how to explain that one. So... Once I was healed Zane kicked me to the ground and hit my sword across the room. I was about to d-die. But then Aaron ran in and somehow got me out of the Irene dimension. He killed Zane but..." He stops.

"But... What?" You ask.

"But he died... He had always hated Zane because Zane killed off his village. He was a Lord. But he sacrificed himself for my life... I am grateful for that."

"Oh..." You said and looked up at the sky the sun had set and it was starting to get really dark.

"Um I think we should go it is getting really dark." You say.

"Yeah we should... The only way is through the woods so stay by me..." Garroth said as if something could attack you.

As you were walking you and Garroth were somewhat far away. It was so dark you could barely see the ground... You knew Garroth was somewhere but, you couldn't see him. He had said he could see pretty well in the dark. So you were a little more easy when he said that.

As you were walking and about to go down a hill you tripped over a tree's root.

*You let out a short scream from being startled by the root* You were about to fall down the hill and suddenly...

*Garroth runs over to you and catches you before you fall* Your head was in level with his chest, your arms were on his hips but not touching them. He caught you by holding on to where your ribs were.

"A-are you o-okay?" Garroth asked.

"I-I think, I just tripped on a tr-tree root..." You started blushing.

"O-okay um..." He lifts you up.

"S-sorry I-I can't s-see very well in the d-dark..." You say awkwardly after what just happened.

"That is fine... Look Phoenix Drop is right down this hill..." Garroth said.

"Okay..." You replied

"So that doesn't happen again you should probably stay close to me..." said Garroth.


*Garroth grabs your hand and walks down the hill with you* You start to blush...

Want to clarify that this is in your POV

I never thought of it before but... Garroth is so nice, strong, and funny. I kind of like him... WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT I SHOULDN'T THINK OF LOVE ESPECIALLY SINCE I DON'T KNOW THAT MUCH ABOUT HIM. Great now I am yelling in my thoughts at my own thoughts.

Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now