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It had been about a whole month since the Shadow Knights showed up. So much had happened that you just needed some time to yourself. It was a nice day out... You went to got sit by the ocean.

Time skip

The sun was about in the middle of the sky meaning it was around noon. You saw a ship just on the horizon coming towards Phoenix Drop. It was kind of small but you backed up just to see. Someone alone was on the boat. She had redish colored hair and blue eyes. She didn't look that harmful. Just as that was happening you decided to head back but then Garroth came. Since you were mixed dragon you could see further than average humans. So Garroth didn't even see the woman on the boat.

*Garroth leaned in for a kiss and I kissed him back*

The woman on the boat saw this and had a grin on her face. Perhaps he knew Garroth. Garroth went back to his guarding post. It was about 5 minutes until the boat made it to the dock.

"Hello I am Ivy... Who are you?"

"Oh nice to meet you... My name is (y/n)"

All of a sudden she runs to you and puts and giant sword to your throat...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" You scream at her.

"You must be close to Garroth Ro'meave... Aren't you?"


"Quiet down before I chop your head off.." *She moves the sword closer to your throat* "I saw you two kiss... Your in love with him aren't you?"



"I-I-I love him! Okay their I said it..."

You see Garroth coming in the corner of your eye.

"I heard shouting is everything okay (y/n)?" *He stares at you* "IVY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???"

"Oh hello Garroth... Would you like to see your love die? MWHAHAHAHA" *She lifts her sword and swings it down at you, you close your eyes and then hear metal clinging*

"Don't touch her... (Y/N)! RUN" 

"Why does everyone ruined my plans? *she sighs* I guess I will just end you" Ivy says with glee in her voice.

"I won't let you hurt him..." You said with cleverness in your voice.

"What are you going to do about it... HAHAAHAHA You think you can--" She was cut off.

*You turn into an ice dragon and whack her with your talon*


*You slam your claw onto her leg*

"YOU WILL PAY FOR TH--" She fainted...

You looked at yourself... Talon was bloody. You stared at Garroth... He had a small scratch from the sword... Nothing to serious. You sat down next to him motioning to your back. He sat on your back and you flew off to your house. You turned back into a human and healed his arm.

"Why do we always come into those situations?" You asked.

"I don't know... I guess the world wants us to fight?

"I can easily kill whoever I want in one bite..." You say.


"I-I mean th-that sounded r-really b-bad I-I didn't mean it l-like that."

"It is okay I know what you meant." He said a little shocked at what you said.

Time Skip

You and Garroth had been dating for a whole 4 months now... Nothing has really happened between you two... Just some dates but nothing special.

Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now