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You flew as fast as you could. The air was getting colder and colder until you finally saw snow. You flew around where the herbs grew. Since you lived on your own you learned a little about herbs just in case something bad happened to you. You found a Tundra Forest and found the herbs. It had been almost half a day. You turned back into your human form. You grabbed your backpack and shoved the herbs inside it. Then you transformed back into a dragon and flew back to Phoenix Drop...

As you were flying something was shooting at you. It was a guard probably think you were a deadly dragon.

Oh Irene why! I just want to save Garroth not get into trouble with a guard.

She flew away and eventually the arrows stopped. Then she saw someone on a flying horse chasing her down.

"Get back here! Villages don't need your trouble!" Said the guard.

You would speak but it would only sound like roars to this person. You just decided to fly faster it was turning night and Phoenix Drop was in the horizon you started to land in the plaza that was next to the clinic. The guard was still chasing you down. He tried to shoot you but he missed.

You landed on the ground and you were greeted by Laurence. The guard stopped for a few seconds.

"Oh thank Irene your safe... That wasn't smart at all the Tundra isn't safe..." Laurence said.

Before you could turn back into human the guard on the horse shot you in the foot.

"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" You actually just screamed but everyone heard it as a roar.

Laurence looked up and saw the guard.

"What is wrong with you! You could have killed her!"

"It is a threat to the whole world it should die!" The stranger said.


"Why do you want MORE dragons especially some that can be mean!" The Stranger said.

"What do you mean?? NEVERMIND. *He runs to you* (y/n) are you okay?"

*You transform back into a human* "Yes I am f-fine I just need to get these herbs to Garroth..." *You limp away and then collapse on the ground*

"(y/n)!" Laurence screamed.

"*You groan but get up and keep walking* Don't worry I can heal myself and Garroth!"

Laurence's POV

The stranger looks shocked.

"Leave before we execute you for harming a villager" Laurence said. "Was she ever INSIDE your village?"


"Then leave... You have no right to be here..." Laurence said at once.

Your POV

You ran into the clinic and made the healing stew for Garroth. You fed him it and then attended your wound. As you were about to pull out the arrow Garroth woke up... You were to busy trying not to dig it in deeper you didn't notice.

*You pulled out the arrow and flinched with pain and gritted your teeth*

You spread a infection cream on your wound and drank some of the stew. You wrapped up your leg and tried to stand up. It hurt but you could still walk in a limp. Then you sat back down and covered your injury. You looked up and saw Garroth staring at you.

"Garroth!" You limped toward him.

"(y/n) are you okay? I just saw you limping..."

"I am fine just an arrow shot on my leg that is all. I would rather have a hurt leg than you be dead..."

"Wait what?!"

"You almost died Garroth... I will tell you the story later but--" You were cut off.

"Can you tell me now, (y/n)?"

"Sure, (You tell him the story of finding the herbs)."

"Oh... Thanks *He yawns then falls asleep*"

"Goodnight Garroth... *You kiss his forehead*

Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now