Under the Stars & Above the Ocean

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You and Garroth decided to go home after the party. Everyone cleared out of the area so you and Garroth went outside towards the ocean. The moon was reflecting on the ocean and so were the stars. It was so beautiful.

You and Garroth were looking up at the Stars... Out of no where Garroth splashes water on your face.

"YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!" You said joking with Garroth.

"I just did..." Garroth said smirking.

"ALRIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT!" You said and then pushed Garroth into the ocean.

Garroth came up with a drenched shirt and spitting water out of his mouth, he then started to laugh and you laughed to.

Garroth then grabbed you and pulled you into the ocean, you brought your head to the surface sitting on the sand laughing. Garroth didn't pull you to far into the ocean cause you didn't know how to swim.

"A-alr-ight! Y-you w-won!" You said laughing. You laughed so hard you started to cough.

You got out of the water and Garroths hair looked more brown than blonde from being wet. When you walked out of the water your hair was (color) and water was dripping down your back.

You and Garroth went back to the house and Garroth came down the stairs with two towels and handed you one... He went into the upstairs bathroom while you went in the bathroom on the main level.

You wrapped yourself in the towel and got dried off and came upstairs to get clothes to sleep in on.

You walked into the closet and got some clothes, you then went into the bathroom cause Garroth was already downstairs. You put the clothes on and walked downstairs. You and Garroth were joking around. But your eyes got heavy and soon enough you fell asleep.

Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now