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You walked over to the gate hoping Garroth was there. When the gate came in view you saw Garroth outside of the wall with his sword ready and in a fighting stance. As you got closer you saw two Shadow - Knights. No...

Your POV

No... I knew it would be a bad idea to love someone... If only I could tell people my gift. But no one can know that I am a Dragpher. (I came up with Dragpher it is someone who can morph into dragons) But I need to save him... There is no way that Garroth will beat TWO shadow knights. Also I can't control it when it comes to emotions...

Garroth and the shadow knights saw you. At that moment they attacked at the end of the first attack Garroth had a sword through his leg and fell to the ground.

"GARROTH!!" You yelled at a loud scream that sounded like someone was murdering you.

Laurance POV

Laurance heard this and ran outside and saw you running fast towards the gate. He looked and stared at Garroth... He was about to die.

Your POV

You started breathing irregularly... You saw Laurence stair at you.

"(y/n) are you okay?!" Laurance asked.

You didn't hear him.

All of a sudden you screamed and transformed into an ice dragon. You flew to the Shadow - Knights. You killed them both in one bite.

You grabbed Garroth in your talons and flew to the clinic like it was depending on saving the world.

Laurence is now a stalker I guess XD I need to stop this and let him fight also sorry for adding a dragon. ALSO CLIFFHANGER I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now