How Much More?

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Laurance's POV

I heard someone scream from Garroth's house... It sounded like Y/n I ran over until I heard noise. I looked up and saw their window open...

I heard someone crying... Then someone spoke...

"Are you okay?" It was such a calm deep voice... It sounded like Garroth.

No one answered just more crying

Long pause of silence came...

"What's wrong?" I heard Garroth ask someone who was probably Y/n...

"I-I h-had a - n-night-m-mare..." I heard Y/n say breathing in between probably from crying...

"It's okay... It was just a dream... No reason to be scared." I heard Garroth say...

Another pause of silence...

I heard a faint noise... Sounded like words... It got louder... It turned out Garroth was singing a song to Y/n...

Garroth Sings the song from the last part to Y/n...

You start singing


It sounded more peaceful...

She just had a nightmare... I wonder how Y/n knew that song Garroth was singing to her? Maybe he sang it to her before... It seemed to calm her down though...

Your POV

You woke up and Garroth was gone... You decided to try and go downstairs... You smelled food.

You sat up and nothing hurt your breath was calm too. You stood up on your feet and wobbled a bit. Your legs were still a little shaky from the whole situation. You decided to go get dressed into clothes.

You dressed into a (color) shirt with long sleeves... At the end it had a brown finger less gloves, a brown strap to carry a weapon going diagonally down your back/front. And brown travel boots...

You started to walk downstairs and walked into the kitchen... You looked at Garroth and smiled at him, he saw you and smiled back looking happy that you were finally feeling better... Although your chest stung a little from last night but it was slowly fading off.

Garroth got the breakfast ready and gave you a plate in front of your seat. Then he got his food and sat down... When he was done eating he stayed and waited until you were done. This usually meant he wanted to talk to you about something.

"Hey, Y/n?" Garroth asked you.

"Yeah?" You asked him a little confused.

"When you had a nightmare last night... do you... *He paused for a second* Would you mind telling me what it was about?" He asked looking straight in your eyes.

"Sure..." You said unsure if you did or not...

*You explained your nightmare to Garroth*

"I-I don't know what it meant!" You said looking scared again.

"It's okay... It may have had a meaning or it may have not... I am not an expert on dreams though." He said walking over to you.

Garroth picked you up bridal style outside...

Why is he carrying me? Is he worried I will collapse again? You thought... This feels nice though...

You let him carry you and put your head against his chest, then you wrap your arms around his neck.

Garroth carried me towards the ocean shore and set me down by the sand. You edged back a little bit because you were afraid of the water but Garroth stopped you.

What is he doing?! I am going to freeze the water! You thought to yourself.

He lifted you up and put your foot on the water, nothing happened. He looked semi shocked the water didn't freeze himself.

You took off your boot and dipped your foot into the water feeling more peaceful... Nothing happened! You morphed into a dragon and put your leg by the water and it froze...

It must only be a dragon thing! You thought as you morphed back into a human.

Garroth smiled at you, stood up and held out his hand for you to grab so you could get up.

*** = Time Skip from now on

You and Garroth were walking through the village, you were getting closer to the plaza and your head suddenly ached. It was pounding. You stopped walking and put your thumb on your palm on your forehead...

After you stopped Garroth walked over to you and put his right arm on the back of your chest and his left arm grabbed the pit of your legs (behind your knees).

He then turned you to the side and carried you bridal style and walked back to your house just as the Sun was starting to set.

He put you on the couch.

"Are you okay?" He finally asked.

"Y-yeah just a headache..." You said.

He sat next to you and you lied your head on Garroth's shoulder. Your vision then suddenly went all red then went back. It felt like you fainted but you could still think...

Wh-what's happening I can't hear anything or see! I don't know what's going on!

You were so scared...

Garroth's POV

Y/n lied her head on my shoulder and in a split second she fell on the ground and looked unconscious.

Even if she did go unconscious she shouldn't have fell like that! It almost felt unnatural!

I picked her up and took her to the bed. She was still breathing and the doctor and Donna were taking care of some people in Bright Port that were stabbed.

I checked her heart pulse and it was going fast... The same heart pulse she had after her nightmare... So she was scared? If she is unconscious she shouldn't be scared?

Your POV

Suddenly a vision came to your head... You were on a tree and then Ivy came with a Fire Dragon... It came out of no where and killed you. You were then staring at a burnt down version of Phoenix Drop... You stared at the corpse of your dead body on the tree for a split second and then back to your house burning down... You heard Garroth scream from the house and then you saw his broken body fly out of the window with blood everywhere...

Let me wake up PLEASE PLEASE!

Garroth's POV

A little later Y/n's body got more tense, her breathing was normal but her heart beat made her sound scared.

Your POV

You heard more screams of people and the fire dragon fly into the air...

Your eyes flashed open and the first thing you did was jump out of your bed and ran... You were so scared that you fled tears were going down your face and you stopped at the edge of the water and then ran to the closest tree slid down the trunk and sobbed.

Garroth's POV

I was watching over Y/n, I decided to get some water for when she woke up. Behind me I heard crying and running. I turned around and Y/n was running out of the house, I tried to catch up to her but she was running very fast. My mother and Aphmau saw me chasing her, I stopped for a moment and explained what happened and then ran after her again...

Your POV

You heard footsteps and saw Garroth, along with Zianna (Garroth's Mom) and Aphmau.

Garroth was the only one that approached you. They all looked confused and concerned...


Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now