Never Healing, Always Blind

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You felt like someone was watching you and looked around. You heard people talking.

"She is gonna see us!" You heard someone whisper and it sounded like Laurence.

"No, she might hear us but she can't see us..." You heard Garroth say...

You knew it was him because of his voice... You could never forget him for the world.

"Is someone there?" You said, you couldn't see much. Although your vision seemed a bit clearer,

"Just me, Garroth, and Laurence." Garroth said.

"Oh... Where are you?" You asked.

"You're looking straight at us..." Laurence said confused.

"Oh? I am? Sorry... OH YOU ARE!" You said.

"Um... Garroth?" Laurence sounded so confused.

"*He sighs*..." He says nothing.

"Garroth?" You asked?

"Yes y/n?" Garroth replied.

"C-can you help me down... I um can't rea--" You were cut off.

"Yes" You heard foot steps...

"Can you jump?" He asked. "I will catch you, promise."

*You jump and fall into what felt like hands*

*You were put down and you looked around*

You walked forward but then tripped but someone caught you. It had to of been Garroth.

"Stay here I got something for you" Garroth said.

*You heard him walk closer*

"Here... This is your wheelchair." He said.

*He gently pushes you down on the wheelchair*

"Thanks" You said looking around.

"Anywhere you want to go?" He asked.

"I just want to see Katelyn. That's it." You said.

She knows something... I know she does.


"Yeah..." You said.

"Um, Y/n I am over here..." She said confused.

"Oh um sorry... I can't see very well..." You said. "I needed to ask you something." You said with hope in your voice.

"What?" She asked.

"Remember you said something about a healing lake?" You said.

"Yes I did... It only heals certain things. It doesn't heal bur--" You cut her off.

"I know... I don't care about my burns... I don't care if they sting forever, or hurt whenever I touch them... I just... I just want something back and that is the only hope I have right now..." You said with discourage in your voice.

"Let me take you there, it is this way follo--" You cut her off by morphing into a dragon...

"Katelyn, you need to touch her to guide her there..." Garroth said.

"Oh?" She said.

"She can't see... Well she can just only blurs..." He said heartbroken.

"Okay... This way." Katelyn said holding your front leg.

You followed.

You saw the blur of water in front of you.

"Now... It is better to stay a Dragon... Since it only works if you don't have cloths on..." She said awkwardly.

"Let me just take off the castes... It may heal the wounds." Katelyn said.

You stood allowing her to do so...

You were scared though... You never learned out to swim...

Won't the water freeze?

Almost as if Katelyn read your mind.

"Don't worry about your cold scales... This water is immune to magicks." She said.

You slowly walked in, it stung your burns a little but as soon as your wound hit the water it healed.

You let the other wound soak in the water and it healed.

Now the moment of  hope... Will it allow me to see again?

Garroth's POV

I decided to follow them and saw Y/n go in the lake... Her wounds were healed... She hesitated to go to the deep part of the lake...

Was she scared it would freeze around her?

She looked around and dipped her head in it...

"If you want your head to heal you have to put everything else in the water!" Katelyn yelled.

Y/n's eyes narrowed as if she were scared. She looked around her and dived in... She kept her eyes open.

It looked as if she were struggling. It looked like she was drowning but she wasn't... Surely she would swim the the surface.

Then she closed her eyes.

Did she faint?

She opened them and looked startled and quickly rose to the surface coughing. She was paddling around.

Is she drowning is something wrong?

She quickly struggled to swim to the shallow waters and walked up to the grass. She shook the water off her scales and morphed into a human... She looked at everything...

Her one eye was still white...

"I-I can see... I CAN SEE OUT OF MY ONE EYE!" She screamed with joy.

"I CAN SEE! OH MY IRENE I CAN SEE AGAIN!" She said running to Katelyn and hugging her.

"Oh my Irene I haven't been this happy since Garroth proposed to me..." She said.

"You have no idea how amazing it is to actually see everything... Although I still can't see out of my right eye..." Y/n sounded disappointed.

"Please don't EVER make me go in water again... I never learned to swim... It usually freezes around me..." You said.

"Oh... Sorry. You didn't drown though..." Katelyn said.

"Well I am happy... As long as I can see... I could never ask for anything more..." You said happy and relieved at the same time.

Finally I can move around easier... Garroth is going to be so happy!

Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now