Date Night (Part 1)

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This idea was made by Lloydgirl123

Comment: Date night, but turns into a double date near the end and then reader and garrote kiss and the whole village is there and makes fun of them.

I am going to use this idea but change it up a bit! I used this as the basis of this story and spread off of it! NOW ONWARD TO THE STORY!

Your POV

It was a nice sunny day out. The waves on the beach were nice and calm. It was very hot outside but every so often a breeze would come and would make you shiver from the cold. There were no clouds to be seen as you were looking up in the sky.

You were sitting on the sand and listening to the birds chirping, the ocean waves pounding on the shore, and the water soaking your bare feet. It was so peaceful it almost felt like a dream. After about 10 minutes sitting on the shore by yourself you heard footsteps behind you and someone speak.

"Hey Y/n?" The voice said. It was Garroth, you could just tell.

"Yes Garroth?" You said staring at the ocean waves.

You heard the clinking of armor. Garroth was on patrol but he must have stopped for a second to talk to you.

"How did you know it was me?" Garroth asked.

"First, I know your voice. Second, I can here armor." You said.

"You aren't even looking at me." Garroth said. "It kind of feels like when we first met up in Phoenix Drop..." Garroth said sounding as if he traced into thoughts.

"Well... You know me, always getting distracted by peaceful views... I never really experienced them when... I was *You paused* younger." You said to Garroth.

"True... Y/n I wanted to ask you something..."

"Yes?" You asked hoping it was good news.

"I was wondering if you *Garroth sits next to you on the shore but is a further back so his armor doesn't get wet* if you would like to go on a romantic evening tonight?" He asked sounding like he knew the answer.

"Like a date?" You say teasing him.

"NO! Just going on a romantic evening with someone alone! Definitely not a date!" Garroth said sarcastically.

"*You fake gasp* Really! There is such a big difference!" You said playing along. "Of course I will Garroth!" You finally answered.

"Great! Well I have to patrol the borders so... See you at 5:00 at our place. I should be done patrolling by then!" Garroth said.

"Okay..." You said going back into a trance of thought.

Sorry for the short chapter I just don't feel like writing much today... I just got out of school for the SUMMER! YASSS That hopefully means I can update this more but no promises! This is part 1 btw! Be sure to give me more story ideas please!


Reader x Garroth (Minecraft Diaries) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now