Let the Battle Begin...

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You were finally at the Okasis Gates... Laurence, Garroth, Dante, Aphmau, Alexsis, Katelyn, Travis, Lucinda and 5 other Phoenix Drop guards had come to this. When you showed up you were in front...

"Don't stop fighting guards until we save everyone..." You said...

The guards spotted you and all the citizens piled on their roofs to see what was happening then the head guard showed up.

"Why are you here? WHO ARE YOU!? LEAVE NOW!" The guard screamed...

"We will never leave... Not until you hand over Lady Ro'Meave and don't kill anymore Innocent people!" You shouted.

"Never..." The guard said.

"Well... PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" You shouted.

Every citizen was smiling with joy. They were happy someone was saving them.

Lucinda broke the wall and everyone charged in... You ran to where Zianna was.

About 10 guards were guarding the prison... You ran up to them and they ran to you.

You slammed your sword into one of the guards and as he was dead on your sword, you swung your sword in a 360 degree spin and slammed all the guards towards walls.

You backed up staring at them while looking behind you with the reflection. You turned your stance into a fighting stance when a sword slammed into the top half of your leg.. You screamed with pain...

Zianna came out to see what the fuss was about and saw you with a sword in your leg surrounded by guards.

You then turned behind you, stabbed the guard who threw the sword at you, turned around and sliced your sword cutting the sides of 8 guards. Only two were left... Your leg hurt but you set the pain aside and kept battling. 

One of the guards leaped for attack when you were looking at Zianna. You heard him behind you and quickly shielded the attack and pushed him into the stairs by the prison... The other guard ran to you and you turned around and stabbed him in the stomach.

You then walked over to the other guard and stabbed him... He died...

Then you went to Zianna.

"Move out of the way!" You shouted to her.

*You morphed into a dragon... Hoping no one saw you, you didn't want your secret revealed*

*You smashed you talon into the prison bars allowing Zianna to escape*

*You morphed back*

"Zianna follow me... NOW!" You said.

"B-but your le--"

"Don't worry about me I am not alone... FOLLOW ME!" You said again... She didn't hesitate.

You got her shelter in a tree and looked at the battle...

Who needs help...

You see Garroth in a battle... He was outnumbered. You ran to him.

Right as you got there he was kicked in the knee and fell to the ground... He was about to be stabbed. You quickly ran over and blocked the guards attack and you were leaning. You used all your strength to stand straight... You pushed him back...

Garroth's POV

I was about to be slayed when out of no where, y/n blocked the attack... I was so shocked I couldn't move... I noticed she had a sword through her leg...

How is she not limping around? How do you deal with that pain?


I was struggling to keep balance when a guard attacked me I blocked but he was strong.

Then out of no where a guard stabbed my side... I fell onto the ground with my back against a house... All the citizens gasped with fright... They wanted me to win... There was only one group of guards left... Tu'La was loosing...

Laurence then ran over to me and slayed the guards and guarded me...

"Your lucky Garroth... You would've just died... I know you can't fight now..." He said.

There were only 4 guards left and someone running towards the battle all of a sudden y/n came running towards the guards...

She stopped... She looked scared but angry...

"*She gasped...* YOU...." She said with anger...

(Welcome back cliffhangers... They are lovely aren't they...)

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