The Kiss

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Garroth leans closer to you as you are staring off into the sunset. You didn't know what he was doing but you liked him being close it felt... comforting.

Garroths POV

She is blushing...

(y/n) edges closer to Garroth.

Did she just edge closer? Now I know for sure she likes me...

Your POV

You edged a little closer... He looked somewhat surprised.

*He leaned in closer and closer until finally your lips were touching*

You wrapped your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your hip...

Then Laurance saw this and stared...

We are kissing OMIrene!

You both leaned back a little... Then you put your head on his shoulder... Neither of you noticed Laurance looking happy for Garroth.

You didn't know how long you were sitting their but you started to get really tired. You fell asleep on his shoulder.

Garroths POV

I noticed she fell asleep on my shoulder...

I carried her into her house and set her on her bed. I walked away to the guard tower and guarded their.

Your POV

You woke up in your room. You realized you fell asleep on him.

Did I actually do that?! Oh My Irene I did... Wait are me and him a couple now?

You got up and got ready for the day... When you walked outside you noticed a bag in the front of your door...

"Here are some new clothes... I noticed your clothes were ripped up. I hope they fit!" From Aphmau.

You walked inside and put on the clothes they were a blue-green color. It was also without sleeves but more of like slide on sleeves. You walked to the guard tower and were greeted by Laurance.

"Hello, (y/n)" He said "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Actually I was wondering if I could see Garroth..." You said hoping he was awake.

"Oh! He is on gate duty so he should be by the gate." Laurance told you.

"Oh Okay! Thanks..." You said.

"No problem (y/n)!" He said waving goodbye.

Sorry it is short but I just wanted the kiss in it... I hope you are enjoying this far and put suggestions in the comments! Apparently Laurance is a stalker now XD

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