Carry me to the end

591 45 62

Gerard's pov

I didn't fight.
I didn't even try to.
I let them take me.

An officer holding each of my arms as they dragged me away.

This is what I deserve.

Am I not just as bad as all those I've punished?
After all, I am a 'murderer'.

I though, have no regrets regarding what I'm getting taken away for.

For revenge is sweet.

But what's sweeter is a certain boy called Frank Iero. A boy that I wished I could have realised was more important than trying to get revenge on all those who have wronged those I love.

As I looked into his eyes as I was dragged away from him, an officer held frank back as he fought to touch me one last time.

I never got the chance to explain to him what I did for him, I never got to explain that I eliminated his enemies to protect him.

I never got to explain that I truly did all this because...

"I love you too Frankie."


Well I'm just going to go cry now.
Why do I write shit like this.

I'm breaking my own heart here.

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