New Feelings

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Mark was angry. He didn't know why. He just thought Jack would try to hit on him or something. He didn't know why he felt this but he quickly got up and left the apartment without any reason. Jack looked upset. Mark didn't care. He didn't know what was wrong.

Jack was about to cry. The boy of his dreams was gone. He ran down stairs to see Mark checking out and leaving.

And then he woke up.

Mark was still next to Jack in his bed. Jack sighed. Mark just looked at him and lifted his head up like saying sup without any word. Jack nodded back. He couldn't stand the silence and said "Mark, you aren't considering leaving... Are ye?" Mark looked at Jack and said "Of course not." Jack just smiled. He finally had the courage to say "Wanna go hang?" Mark smiled and nodded.

"RACE YA TO THE DOOR SQUIRT!" Mark yelled. Jack thought that was absolutely adorable. He ran as Mark did. They bumped into eachother and fell out the door. Mark just smiled. Jack was blushing uncontrollably. Mark picked him up and they moved along. As they were walking, their hands touched. They both put their hands on their heads and smiled. They kept walking and walking and walking. The boys finally figured out they had no idea where they were going.

"I dare ye te get yer hair dyed." Jack smiled at Mark. "Haha your accent!"
"Just do it..." Jack blushed. "Only if you do it!" They decided to do it. And two hours later they were walking out with red and green hair. Marks was red and Jack's was green. They were touching their heads for pretty much the whole entire day. Mark and Jack finally got to their apartment. They raced to the door again. They fell and laughed. This time, Jack didn't blush. He still had feelings for him though. Mark blushed instead. He realized how beautiful Jack's eyes were. He realized how nice his smile was. And oh so much more. Mark was starting to have feelings for this boy. He didn't know why, but he did. They got up and sat on their couch. They sat close together and almost with their legs touching. Mark went for the 'stretch out to put my arm on you' trick. It worked because Jack didn't complain. Mark pretended like he didn't notice what he was doing. They watched movies until the night came. They weren't tired so they just talked.
(Lots of dialogue here sooo I'll make Jack's accent noticeable)

"So ye got kicked out?"
"Yeh my parents 'couldn't afford it'"
"My parents just hated me arse"
"Wow, why?"
"They found out I was gay."
......"You're gay?"
"Oops shouldnt'a said that huh? You can think I'm weird if you want. I'm used to it."
"No I'm not actually. You're the nicest friend I've had."
"But I called ye scrub yesterday..."
"Yesterday is in the past"
"Ya it is. Isn't it?"
"How many boyfriends have you had?"
"Just one. Gay guys can't find dates very often. And we broke up because he was an arse. I realized how ugly he was too."
"How many girlfriends have you had?"
"One. We just broke up. She thought I was a nerd and a freak."
"Well ye seem like a nerd but ye certainly aren't a freak."

Jack and Mark just stayed quiet for a while and decided it was time to sleep. Since it was like 1:30 in the morning. They went to their seperate beds and said their good nights.

Two updates today cause I'm a motha fucking BOSS!! Anyways hope you enjoyed see ya later. *peace sign*

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