Singing for Smol Bean

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The truth is, after Mark and Jack tried, they didn't find any friends.

Jack woke up the next day to hear a guitar playing and someone singing. He assumed it was Mark playing the radio or something, but what he found was something else.

"But I, can't help, falling in love, with, you." Mark sang perfectly on every note. He paced it right, the guitar was amazing, and he has an amazing voice. Jack just stood in aw. "M-Mark?" Jack asked still amazed. "Oh, yeah I'm terrible and I was just planning something f-" "That just made you like a million times hotter." Jack smiled and Mark laughed. Jack hugged Mark and said "I got to go." Mark pouted. "Whyyy?"

"Because I have to work..." Mark looked confused. "You have a job?"
Jack nodded. "Well what is it?" Mark was never aware of any of this. "I work at that coffee shop frenchies." (A/N I know this was marks first hair place) "Ohhh. Never been." Jack winked,"You should go sometime."

As soon as Jack left Mark headed to his music class. He was learning how to sing for Jack on their first date. Of course Jack didn't know about this. It was a surprise. Mark stayed for about an hour and headed back home. Jack was there but he didn't look too worried. "Where were you?"

"At the..... Store." "Well, whadya buy?"
Mark hesitated. "Oh I bought food and ate it in the car." Jack giggled "Dork"
The next day Mark got up, took a shower, and put on a tux. He woke Jack up but his hands were covering his eyes. "Mark?"

"Shh cover your eyes I'm gonna dress you." "W-what?!" "I'm gonna see you more naked than this sooner or later." Mark quickly got him dressed and ready to go. "Open your eyes." Jack opened them and was ecstatic for what Mark had planned. "Where are we going?!" "Surprise." "I hate surprises, Mark." "Too bad." Mark winked and drove him to a nearby empty park.

They finally arrived and Mark pulled out a basket and a blanket with food out of his trunk and onto the itchy grass. Jack sat down on the blanket as Mark grabbed his guitar. Jack blushed and put his hands over his face.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you..."
Jack was almost ready to cry. But he stopped himself. Mark kissed Jack and said "I love you Jack, I know we have only been dating for a couple of days but I just couldn't wait any longer to tell you." This time a tear ran down Jack's face. Mark wiped it off his face. Jack jumped on top of Mark and kissed him. Once they pulled away, Mark said "I brought cake."

"YESSS" Jack screamed so loud you could hear dogs barking. Mark thought to himself

I love my little smol bean.

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