{20}Make It Better

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"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and today I'm making a blog...?" Mark was confused he never really recorded many vlogs. "Ehem... It's a vlog doofus." Mark chuckled. "Oh yeah a vlog heh. Oh! And you may be wondering whose voice that was. And it was.... C'mere." Jack walked up to the camera and smiled. "*WAPSHH* tOP of the MORNIN to ya LADDIES my name is jacksepticeye and I'm here with Mark!" Mark smiled.

"We have been meaning to tell you something-" "for a while now." Jack finished marks sentence. "Well... Septiplier is... Real." "Me and Mark have been hiding this for a while. Or... Ever since we started... Heh." Mark chuckled along with Jack. "Uhm so yeah we are in love and we kiss and do all those other thi-" Jack kissed Mark on camera. Mark put the camera down and they started kissing for about a minute straight. "Oops not sure if I should keep that or not..." "Keep it." Jack said laughing as he did. "Whyd you do that anyways."

"Just to prove it." Mark shrugged and ended the vlog. They sighed. "That felt good." Jack broke the silence. "Yeah it did. Like...'coming out' I guess" Mark added. Two seconds after the video was up Marks phone was blowing up with Twitter comments.

Yas I knew it!
Aww yes this is awesome
I knew you were fucking someone in that one livestream....(lol)

Mark and Jack laughed as they read the comments. They edited and recorded some more videos for almost the rest of the day and went to bed.


"*WAPSHH* tOP OF THE MorNIN To YA LADDIES." Jack started his intro for a vlog about him and Mark going out. "Just wanted to make a vlog about me and Mark because you know we kinda 'came out' and you guys deserve some cute clips." Jack winked. Mark stretched out on his bed and yawned. "Aww look there's Markifart now!" He smiled at Jack. "Heyy there's me." Jack laughed. "And now you know what Mark looks like in the morning." Jack ended the clip and jumped on Mark. He kissed him. "G'mornin mark." Mark kissed back. "Mornin Jackipoo." Jack pouted. "No."

"What? Do I sound like your mom?" Jack blushed in embarrassment. "N-no shut up let's grab breakfast." Jack started another clip. "We going to get food! Where we goin Mark?" Mark shrugged. "Marks the greatest helper when it comes to finding a place to eat." Mark nodded. "I am!" Jack just stuck his tongue out. He ended the clip and found a place. He took another clip of them eating, and then walking to the park, then putting flowers in Jack's hair, and finally going home.

Jack edited the video and sighed. "That was awesome." Mark smirked. "I know how to make it even better." Jack blushed as he said that very seductivley.

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