{14} Drunk Minecraft

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Mark took Chica to the pet shop to get groomed for a bit so him and Jack could y'know, be alone. It had been a week with Chica and she has already showed she doesn't like when Mark and Jack want to cuddle.

Let's just say today they were gonna do more than cuddle if you know what I mean.

"Jack now that Chicas gone we can do stuff"
"Like what exactly?"

Mark grabbed Jack and pushed him on their bed. He got on top of Jack and began kissing his neck earning a quiet moan.

"M-Mark what are ye doing?"
Mark continued to kiss his neck and slowly came down to his stomach. Mark looked at Jack and he nodded. Right when Mark was about to pull his pants down someone came to the door. "God damn cockblocks." Jack just laughed at the comment.

"Excuse me sir your rent is due."
"Oh here."
"And someone came to see you."
"Okay let em in."

Mark got a knock on the door a couple of minutes later. It was a friend from YouTube. "Whatsup Mark?"

"Hey Wade what's up."
"Is that... Jack?!"
"Uh n-no it's my."
"It's Jack."
"Ugh fine but he just came to visit."
"A fan sent him something and I have it for him."
"Okay but anyways I wanted to hang with you- you guys now."
"Whaddya wanna do Wade?"
"OHH Jack hasnt played drunk minecraft."

Jack looked at them.

"What's that?"
"Oh it's when we drink beer and try to build something good in minecraft." Mark answered his question
"Oh let's play then!"
"Let me pick up Chica"

About an hour into the game the statue they were trying to make, septic eye Sam, looked nothing like it. It looked like septic eye Sams barf, though. The game was finally over and Wade stayed the night. He had to or else he would crash and die. Jack woke up in the middle of the night throwing up.

Mark walked to the bathroom with him and helped him out. Mark obviously had a strong stomach because he didn't barf along with Jack. Once Jack was finished Mark cuddled up with him in their bed. The next morning Mark woke up to a gasp. Him and Jack were still cuddling.

And Wade was there to see it.


Don't hate me bc I love you.

But yeah, I left you on a cliffhanger

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