Part 3: It's pain!

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The boy: No blood. No red spot. And for sure no pain. Everyone, dismiss!

I woke up and shouted to him.

Me: Yah! You must be the one who threw the ball! Am I right?

The boy turned around and walked towards me. His face was only two centimetres from my face.

The boy: You have to be grateful because I threw a ball and not a bomb.

He flicked my forehead and it was two times pain than got hit by a ball!

Me: Babo!

The boy: Jinjja? You must be the last person to know that. Everyone knows that special thing about me.

A group of boys laughed at me and I was wondering where was Seungri.

Me: We'll meet again soon! I'll remember your face! Seungriseyo! Where are you?

The boy chuckled.

The boy: Wait, Seungriseyo? Lee Seunghyun ah ...

He was standing among them!

Me: What are you doing there, scaredy-cat?

Seungri: He's my ... Cousin.


I hit Seungri's tummy.

Me: Don't you dare to stand among them again! Argh ... It's so pain.

Seungri touched my forehead and I immediately slapped his face.

Me: Don't touch it!

I walked too fast and I wasn't looking in front. I hit someone's shoulder.

Me: Mianhae. Mianhae.

I bowed repeatedly. Then, a finger landed on my chin and it was raising up my face. Omo ... Is he my destiny? Tall man. Dimples. Beautiful eyes. Complete! Perfecto!

Tall man: Juniors?

I nodded. I tried to speak but he got my tongue tied. He smiled and walked away. I could smell his scent for miles!

Me: Omo! Seungri, did you see that? Is this what we call love? Am I in heaven?!

Seungri: He's our sunbaenim. Intelligent, brilliant. Smart. Handsome. He's perfect. But ...

Me: But he's for me. Right?

Seungri shook his head. He pointed his finger to that tall man. We saw a girl who was walking beside him.

Me: But I still have chances to get him because he is mine!

Seungri: Whatever, Jinsung. If you don't get him, I can replace him!

Me: Euw. I must be the unluckiest girl in this world!

Seungri: Yah, do you think I like you? Never in my life!


It was recess time. Before I put my meals on the table, there was a guy came and sat at the place.

Me: Aigoo, it was you again!

The boy: Come and sit here. I won't eat you.

Seungri: Jinsung, just sit here. He's my cousin.

Me: Aigoo.

The boy: Seungriseyo, ahhh ...

He opened his mouth so that Seungri could feed him.

Me: Go and take your own food.

The boy: Mwo? You asked him to give his meal? Kamsahamnida, Jinsung-ssi.

Me: How do you know my name?

He pulled Seungri's tray slowly. Seungri stood up to take another meal.

The boy: You're a famous girl. Your brother is well-known because of his braveness! Yoon Taemin. Right?

Me: Don't talk about him.

The boy: Wae? You should proud of him. He's a great soldier!

Me: Stop it.

Seungri sat down and this time, another guy took his tray.

The guy: Gomawo.

Me: Yah, if you want to eat. Take it by yourself.

Seungri: It's okay, Jinsung. I'll take another one.

Me: Ani ... Take mine. I lost my appetite.

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