Chapter 4 (Pt. 5 & 6)

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Part 5

Terrwyn's POV

It's been a little over a year since Ellie had kissed me that night on her birthday. We came home that night and Angus just smiled as I walked through the door with my arm wrapped around Ellie's waist. She kissed me goodnight and went to bed while Angus and I watched movies and talked.

My 18th human birthday is in a few weeks but I'm not sure we'll be able to have a party. Angus has news that some of the dark Fae, including my mother, had formed a large faction to try and overthrow Rhona. I didn't want to have to leave Ellie here if we had to go to battle, but it'd be dangerous in Rhona as well, even though we've been training her for a few years. I sat her down and explained the situation. She thought over the options for a moment, then looked at Angus and then at me. "Looks like we should start training more often then, because I'm not about to let you go by yourself." Her decision was made. We were all going to Rhona. We were going home.

Part 6 

Angus's POV

Ellie is a quick learner. She's swift and careful, even knocked me on my ass a few times during practice. For Terra's birthday, we didn't do much, just had cake. Since Ellie's birthday is a month after Terra's she'll be 16 in a few weeks. I just hope they'll both make it till then. The battle has already started but I just got word yesterday that the faction were getting closer to the main settlement where Ellie's parents were. We were leaving tonight, we had one last night to train before we risked our lives out there. I won't lie, I'm scared shitless, but I've done this before, war isn't new to me, I'm ready to die to protect my home, and my family.

It was about 8pm when I had everything ready for us to go. The girls had already got their armor on and had been practicing outside. I walked out there with our luggage and watched them for a moment. They moved so gracefully, so in sync. They stopped for a moment and looked over at me. I smiled softly and asked them, "You two ready?" They gave each other a look, a look you only see in this gooey love sick movies, and at the same time nodded. "We're ready."

I can't wait for this battle, leave a comment on your thoughts ❤️

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