Chapter 5 (Pt. 5 & 6)

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Part 5 

Ellie's POV

We were halfway to being right in the middle of the battle and I could hear my heartbeat start to quicken. I was worried about Terra, I had a feeling in my gut that I had had before, a feeling of loss. I pushed it away for the moment and focused on the task at hand. Just over this hill was where everyone was. I could hear screams, and I smelt death. It was a smell I could never forget, it was singed into my brain. We had finally made it to the top of the hill when the leader of our group stopped us for a moment. "This is a war zone, some of us will not make it out alive, but you fight till your last breath, no matter what. Princess, Angus, Terrwyn is just over there, you two get to the other side safely." We nodded and we respectfully bowed then ran down the hill towards Terrwyn. My senses were heightened as soon as we made it to the bottom, I could tell there was someone hiding and motioned to Angus to go ahead to Terrwyn and that I would be ok. He hesitated and started to object but I shushed him and told him it was an order. He kissed my forehead and nodded. "You stay out of trouble, little one." "You stay alive, and watch Terra's back." He nodded and turned away from me and started to fly to her and her group. I paused for a moment, shut my eyes, and concentrated. When I opened my eyes again, I could see aurora throughout the field. Everyone had a different one, it was faint, but I could now tell where the Fae was hiding. I quickly spun just in time to have her jump at me with her sword in the air. I blocked it swiftly and lodged my sword through her chainmail and into her heart. Almost automatically, her aurora diminished. I had just killed someone for the first time.

Part 6

 Terrwyn's POV

We were in the middle of the field, where everything was so quick there was no time to stop and think. Angus had found his way over to me and informed me that Ellie was safe. We fought back to back, killing quite a few people. I took a second to catch my breath, when I saw more people coming up from the ravine. Who was leading them? None other than my mother. Angus saw this and looked at me and nodded, "I got your back, let's go." We made our way down to my mom and fought off some of the soldiers. She sent them out around us and into the battle. "Angus, go. This is between my mother and I." He looked at me, caution in his eyes, then nodded and went back into the field. I focused my attention on my mother who was standing there smirking at me. "Well, look who decided to come home. So nice to see you again, Love." I shook my head and spoke, "You always were insane." She didn't take that too well. She came at me with her sword, which I nearly missed. I side stepped and barely nicked her arm. She cursed at me and then centered herself. "Let's see how well your training really is."

Trying to kill your daughter, #JustGirlyThings 😂

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