Chapter 5 (Pt. 1 & 2)

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Part 1

Terrwyn's POV

Driving to the other side of town to where to the portal was felt like forever. Angus was on the phone the whole time with one of the guards from the castle walking him through how to wire the portal to our location. I drove off the road, deep into the woods, steering carefully as the path was quite narrow. Ellie was quiet the whole time, looking out the window, lost in her own thoughts. I was scared, scared she was going to die, scared I was going to die, scared everyone was going to die. We had trained for this, we were ready, and the Rhona army was a good army, one of the best in any dimension. I had fought along side with them before. But the thought of losing someone, anyone I cared about, it distracted me. I shook my head a little as if to clear it and continued driving. Angus told me to stop just ahead right in front of two very large trees. I turned off the engine, got out and helped Ellie with the luggage as Angus was still on the phone. I looked at her and pulled her close to me and whispered to her, "I love you, princess, forever." Tears welled up in her eyes and she she kissed me. Not like anything before, this kiss was different. This kiss was... a goodbye kiss.

Part 2

Angus's POV

"No, you baboon, the other wire goes to the pink one. Yes, the one I said the first time. How exactly are you qualified to protect ANYONE let alone the King and Queen, you imbecile!" I screamed into the phone at the guard who was obviously getting on my nerves. Ellie took the phone from me and proceeded to apologize and silently scold me. Since I had taught her how to wire a portal during the two years we spent together, she instructed the guard on how to and almost immediately, there was a glimmer between the trees, she smirked at me and handed back the phone and grabbed her luggage, "Maybe, if we make this out alive, you need to take some anger management classes," she joked. I scoffed at her and grabbed my luggage. Terra and Ellie were standing in front of the portal talking, as if for the last time. I walked up slowly to them and for the first time really saw the bond they had, something I was jealous of. They loved each other, unconditionally, but I could sense they were both afraid. I told myself I knew what I had to do if it came to it, and I was okay with that. I cleared my throat and asked, "Are you ready to meet your parents Ellie?" She smiled nervously and nodded and picked her luggage off the ground. All at once, we stepped through the portal, and into Rhona.

When I picture Rhona in my head, I smile, because it's beautiful and I want to live there

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