TMNT ~Donatello x Shy Reader~

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(This is not the typical: purple dragon mugged scenario that kind of boring now but you may get hurt.... Real bad... And its my firat story here so be nice plz)
(y/n) your name
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You were walking out of the library at 11:30pm you were 18 years old (the turtle are technically 19 now) you had a few books on your backpack and start thinking which one to read first when you get home. 2hrs pass and you get to your apartment when you hear someone screaming on the rooftop so you take the firescape stares.

When you get to the rooftop you see 4 turtles standing in 2 legs, wearing different color bandanas and ninja weapons; they were talking about training, to be careful and stuff like that then you stand up and try to catch your breath while turning around you see the turtles staring at you like this

You just stare back and say hi... Really low

Turtles: "aaaahhh!!! A girl!!"

Leo: "oh... Uumm.. This is a dream!!"

Raph:" .... Really?... A dream Leo thats your plan?" Leo just growls at him.

Mikey walks towards you and hugs you, "HI THERE I'M MICHELANGELO! Those are my brothers (while pointing at them) thats Leo, Raph and thats Donnie, so what's your name?"

"I'm (y/n)... Uumm.. Nice.. Uumm to meet you?..." you reply while looking at Donnie.

You blush a bright red almost as red as Raphs mask and the brothers notice this as they come close to you and talk with you

*Donnie POV*

Leo and Raph wouldn't stop fighting about who leads who and Mikey well... Being Mikey and I was just thinking of April on how to ask her out but then we heard a small gasping noises from the corner of the rooftop when we look it was a cute girl with (h/c) and (e/y) wearing a (favorite band shirt). She... She was really cute... Suddenly I totally forgot about April. Then I saw Mikey going up to her and hugging her I got a bit mad at him but its ok...


After that you and the turtles hanged at your apartment, the turtles fell asleep and you and Donnie were in your room. You showed him your collection of books and cds (or anything you like to collect).

Donnie: " Wow (y/n) your so cool.. And cute and smart." He blushes madly while covering his mouth and you look at him blushing at what he said.

(y/n): " uumm... Donnie I think your cute too... And... I.. Mhph"
You got cut off when Donnie kissed you deeply but shyly, your eyes are open wide till you succumbed in to the kiss, in between kisses Donnie whispers: "Will you go out on a date with me?" you kiss him again taking that as a yes, then out of nowhere you two hear

"Hey guys! Whatcha doing?" Mickey says in an innocent voice but also in a mocking tone. Donnie pulls off the kiss and screams: "MICKEY!!" he chases Mickey down and your a blushing mess that it would put Raphaels mask to shame. Then you whisper: " I'll love to"

Ok guys and gals thank you for reading my story. Its a bit of a mess not much action but soon it will so
Thank you!!

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