Leo x Mutated Reader

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Another night, another pain. You fall on to the floor bleeding from your forehead.

"Get up you worthless cunt! Get your shit and get out of my house!" Your father yells at you as you run to your room grab some clothes and run out the apartment. You were used to this, this time he just hit you cause you asked for food. You haven't eaten in a week. As you walk to a drug store to pick some bandages you hear the the bell of the store and a clucking sound from a gun.

"Listen here, bob. Gimme all yo cash before I blow a hole in your head" you picked through the aisle and saw a skinny pig man with a purple mohawk and a huge rhinoceros who was grabbing some candy.
"Look, fellow bip bop. I got the candy for our sweet tooth" he chuckled the cashier was bagging the money as quick as he could. As quietly as possible you snuck out the back door of the store. There was nothing you could do. No weapon, no powers just worthless but you saw their van in the alley. So, you open the back doors and saw big viles of blue ooze you grab one holding it with both hands. It was heavy but not much, soon you heard the pig man walking towards the van you scurry inside and hid behind some boxes.

"Great (y/n) got your shit kicked out of you by your dad now your gonna die cause of mutants" you though to yourself. A half an hour pass and the van stops, the back doors open to reveal Foot ninjas but they were making a weird metalic sound. One of them saw you and grabbed you by the wrist. You fight to get yourself loose but no avail. Bipbop and Rock steady saw you, the pig man orders the ninja to "hook you up with the jam" whatever that means. Before you know it you were hanging on top of a pool of the blue ooze swinging lightly. You look around what looks like a warehouse, full of crates, boxes, papers all junk around. Then you heard a voice, a mans voice.

"What is the meaning of this?" He had a japanese accent. You saw the full armored man talking to the pig and the rhino. Bipbop explains that you were sneaking in the van and he thought it would be a great idea to use you as bait for the turtles.

You though this guys were crazy. "Mutant turtles? The hell you talking about!?" You screamed to get their attention. The metallic man sees you, his stares you down and you feel a cold chill down your back. Then you hear some fighting outside the warehouse. The door bursted open, you could not believe what you were seeing. Turtles, mutant turles with ninja skills and weapons! The purple turtle signals to the blue one towards you and he nods the other 3 fight the other mutants.

You saw how agile this turtles are. It was awesome! You glance at the blue turtle coming towards you.

"Hey, don't worry I'm a friend. Im gonna help you get down, ok" his voice was sweet and gentle like you could hear him talk all night. Except for tonight. "Just look at me and dont look down" he reached towards you. The metallic man sees this and throws a kunai to your rope you grab the turtles hand as quick as you could
"Dont worry miss I wont let you go!"

"If you don't we'll both fall!!" Suddenly you saw the rhino behind the turtle and punched him in the chest. He gripped your hand tighter not letting you go "let go he will kill you" the turtle didn't respond he just smiled at you. He bleed a bit, the rhino punched his face and some of his blood fell on to you. You couldn't take this you slipped from his grasp letting yourself fall. The last thing you heard was the turtles voice yelling no and saw him punch the rhino. After you hit the ooze everything went dark-

A pain ran all over your body, your back felt like something was coming out, you felt your hands and toes stick together, your chest felt heavy and hard.

While was happening the purple turtle was messing with the computers and made it drain the pool so they can take you out. After a while of fighting the guys escape.

*Some time later*

You wake up in a strange room. You scan your surrounding and see different types of liquids, jars, needles and lab equipment. You stumbled getting off a strange bed but a shooting pain crosses your whole body. You shake your head, you tried to hold on to a table next to you but you miss and fell, some stuff fell as well. The cluttering sound was very loud it alerted the turtles to hurry up to you. They stood still for a second, The Youngest looking turtle in orange and the purple one help you up.

"Wh-where am I? What are you? Why does everything hurt!?" You begin to cry softly the Blue turtle from before holds you tight and holds your cheeks making you look at him.

"It's ok, its gonna be ok. You are safe, you are in our lair. These are my brothers. Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo and I'm Leonardo." He gave you a weak smile. "You fell in to the mutagen and..."  He looks at you up and down.

"And what?" You asked worriedly. Raphael handed you a small mirror he looked very tensed up. You take a look and your eyes widened as small pools of tears begin to gather. Your skin was green no longer (s/c), your (e/c) turned in to (f/c), your clothes no longer there it was replaced by a hard plastorn and as you touch your back you feel something hard but smooth, it was a shell. Your hand were different, 3 fingers instead of 5 and your toes instead of 5 you have 2 big toes. You hair was gone also. You start to hyperventilate, the world feels fuzzy, your vision turns blurry. All you could feel was Leo's soft hands. He made you kneel down with him while he hugged you tightly. Softly your breathing regulates.

"Its gonna be alright, Donnie is working on an antidote but its gonna take time. Whats your name,miss?" Leo hugged you tightly as he smiled warmly.

"(Y/n), (y/n) (L/n). Thank you for saving me back there" You kissed Leonardos cheek as he got all bashful.

After this the boys stayed with you and even trained with you. As you could see how awesome was being a turtle you never took the antidote and stayed with Leo as his new girlfriend

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