Michelangelo x Sad!Reader

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**(Y/N) PoV**

It's prom night, I got my (f/c) dress with (second f/c) lace, it was up to my knee so it was comfy to dance and chill on, it was beautiful! I spun around the mirror.

*knock knock*
"Hello, dear! Can I come in?" mom asked through the door. She picked out the dress I was so grateful and happy she did.

"Sure, mom!" she opened the door and gasped.

"Oh, my god! Look how beautiful you look! I knew that dress was made for you!" she gently fixed my flower head band and the Orange rose on my dress. "I can't believe you're going to college next year..." her voice faded and her eyes became watery "you're so grown up, you're becoming a great and gorgeous woman..." she began to tear up.

"M-mom please don't cry... If you do I'll cry too and then the 2hr make-up will be ruined" I chuckled holding in the tears. We hugged for a moment and someone knocked on the door."I bet it's (crush's name)!" Mom and I ran down. She prepared her camera as I opened the door, there he was my crush wearing a really nice tuxedo but he looked a bit disappointed when he saw me. "Are you really wearing that? Look I came to tell you that I changed my mind and I'm going with (girl you hate name)." I could feel my face getting red and my eyes watery

"W-what!? W-why? You said that you wanted to go out with me for prom!!" I tried my best to hold in my tears.

"Well... She let me grabbed her boobs and play with them unlike you. Cause you wanted to wait. So, I'm going to prom bye." he got in to his car and drive off.

Mom saw the hole thing "s-sweety, it's ok. You can still go and have a good-"

"A good what, mom!?..." I ran out as fast as I could. I ran a good 15 minutes until I tripped on the dress and landed on a puddle of dirty water ruining the dress. I couldn't hold it anymore my disappointment and sadness took over and tears fell. I walked towards an alley and sat down while taking off my shoes.

**Michelangelo PoV**

It was my turn to patrol with Donnie but he stayed at April's house. Meaning me alone! After a while of walking around the buildings I saw a beautiful girl running in a prom dress but she was crying. I followed her to an alley until she tripped I ran and jumped down close to her, I don't think she knows I'm there cause I still can hear her crying.

"Excuse me, ma'am... Are you alright? Why are you crying?" I kneeled next to her.

"Leave me alone! I hate my life! I'm ugly, stupid and an idiot!"

"H-hey... P-please don't cry, miss. I don't think you're ugly, you should see me" I sat next her "I'm ugly... But it doesn't stop me to try to make new friends!" she sobbed and lifted her head.

"Y-you're a turtle..."

"Y-yes... I'm sorry if I'm scaring... I cam go away" I stood up but she grabbed my hand.

"Please stay... I-I'm cold..." Then I sat next to her again and wrapped my arms around her trying to keep her warm as much as I could "What's your name?" she pulled my hand next to her cheek, it was soft and warm.

"Michelangelo, the most radist dude ever!" she began to giggle, I thought it was pretty cute. I could feel my face blushing at her sound. "And yours?" she looked up at me still with a few tears coming out of her eyes.


"Well (Y/n), would you like to get something to eat?" she nodded and as we stood up I carried her bridal style, ran a few blocks until we arrived at Mr. Murakami's restaurant.

"W-wait won't you get in trouble!?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Murakami is my friend. He already knows who and what I am." we walked inside, and we said hi to Murakami. I ordered the usual for 2. (Y/n) looked a bit concern but I reassured her it was ok. Once she took the first bit she loved it! (Y/n and I began to talk and I asked her what happened and how she ended up in the alley. She explained what her "crush"did.

"What a dick! I would never do that to the most beautiful girl" My eyes opened wide and stuffed mouth with food.

"Thank you, I think you're really cute and adorable" we both giggled and finished our food. We made our way out, we walked a few blocks and kept talking.

"I think I should go home, mom most be really worried." she sighed.

I hugged her closer and kissed her cheek "It's alright, I'll get you there safe I promise!" I rubbed nose against hers making her giggle and blush.

After 20 minutes we got to her house and saw that window from her room was open.  We stepped inside, she sat on her bed as well as I.

"T-thank you for tonight. I... Really didn't think I would have a good night." she hugged me and kissed my cheek, I couldn't help but blush like crazy.

"Aawww!!! Gosh, so cute!" I tackled her making her lay on the bed and kissed her face , we laughed for quite a while. We stood quite just looking at each others eyes, (y/n)'s eyes were so bright, her cheeks filled with pink blush and her skin was soft against my own. Without hesitation she kissed me on the lips and blushed so much.

"I'm sorry"

"No, it's ok! I... I liked it.." I kissed her back right then my shell-phone rang. It was Donnie texting.


D: "Where are you"?😤

M: I'm busy 😑

D: Get your shell home! 😠

M: Aaggh! Fine! 😫

End Text*

I put my phone to the side "Well, miss (y/n)... I have to go home, my brothers are worried." I kissed her forehead. She looked sad again but I told her I'll be back tomorrow night. She got so happy she pulled me in to a kiss again and hold me so close I could feel her heart beating against my chest.

"I'll see you then, Mikey" she hugged me one last time.

Once out I looked back and waved at her and screamed " I have a girlfriend!!!"

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