Raphael x Scientist Reader

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**(y/n) PoV**

My research for sea turtles and river turtles species has been great, I moved to N.Y. a few months ago just to relax for a while. I heard rumors of mutants roaming around at night, so at 8pm I decided to investigate this rumors, I packed my science and my pocket knife just incase, put on some army pants a black tank top and none slip boots. I went to the rooftops 'cause in a quote "mutants like to run on rooftops" for some strange reason. I ran, jumped and almost slipt a couple of times but nothing serious.

After 4 hours of nothing but getting cold I start to thinl this is all just a hoax, 'Damn it... What a waste of time...' I sigh and when i was about to turn back a humanoid looking robot steps infront of me and says: "The one known as (Y/n) will come with Kraang to the place that it's secret to see Kraang" (sorry, my kraang it's a bit rusty)

"W-who or what are you? How do you know my name??!" I stepped back about to run but the robot was faster then I thought and pinned me down on the floor. I screamed in pain for his body was weigh a ton, as I screamed for help the robot flew across the building making it fall, 4 shadows came close to me and I took my pocket knife out.

"S-stay away from me!!" I pointed at the shadows, when they came close to the light... I couldn't believe it, 4 mutant turtles standing in to legs holding Japanese weapons.

A turtle in blue came forward he gave out a leader vibe "Hello, miss. Please don't be afraid, we are the good guys"

"Yeah, dudette sup the names Michaelgelo!? Hey you are a cute one!" he quickly hugged me so tight I was turning purple. "Can we keep her?" he let me go when the red one gave him a smack behind his head and grabs him by his shell

"Mikey what have I told you about huggi-" He stopped in mid sentence when I stood up and hugged him with tears running down my cheek.

"Thank you!" I pulled away, he blushed redder then his bandana.

"Hello miss, I think this is yours" the turtle in purple hand me my backpack. "Are you an detective?"

"Hehe... No, I'm a scientist. The name's (y/n) I'm a Herpetologist."

"A what-a-gist?" Michaelgelo asked with a goofy confused face.
"A herpeologist, Mikey. She studies reptiles as in turtles" The purple one explained.

'I better ask their names otherwise I'll call them by their colors' I thought to myself. "So... What are your names?"

"I'm Leonardo, the leader"  he stroke a heroic pose.

"I'm Donatello" he approached to me examening my wounds.

"I'm Micheangelo, but you already know!" he gave me a warm big smile, I just had to smile back. I looked back at the red tough looking turtle and walked up to him for closer examination.

"What ya lookin, nerd?" scoffs at me, I walked closer examening his plastorn, with my index I gently caress the crack on itvand without noticing I got face-to-face to him.

"W-what's your name?" A hint of pink raced though my cheeks and he responds: "R-Raphael, the names Raphael." he gave me a sheepish smirk and they took me to my home.

At (y/n) home.

**Raphael PoV**

(Y/n) showed us her apartment, it was full of posters of turtles, papers, computers. She looked and acted kind of like Don, they both talked about science stuff as I made my way to the kitchen and I heard a munching noise coming from inside the sink. My eyes wided when I see a smallish turtle munching on a leaf: "Hey there, little guy."

"Hey, you found Leaf. She's a beauty huh?" she cought me playing with her turtle.

"Yeah... I have one called Chompy, his an alien turtle"

"Aaw, Cute!!" I blushed at her reaction but I looked away tryinh to hide my blush.

(time skip by the Hamato clan)

*Raphael PoV*
Turtles home#

"Donnie I found a new way to do the retro mutagen"

"Awesome, let me see"

Donnie and (Y/n) had been hanging out a lot but she hangs sometimes with me... I think the are perfect for each other...

*(y/n) PoV*

I was talking to Don about mutagen but...there was something else I needed to talk to him.

"Donnie, do you think Raphael... Likes me?" I bend my head looking at the mutagen not wanting to see his reaction.

"What do you think about him?" he asked me while working on the tube

"Well, his cool, tough, strong, a hot head for sure but... His nice, sweet and even gentle. I think I... Love him." Donnie quickly gave me a hug and smiled at me showing his adorable gap"

"He loves you too, when you go back home he talks about you. About how beautiful you are, how smart, kind, strong and sexy you are"

"Donnie, come on?" I punched his shounder playfully.

"I'm serious (Y/n) my brother maybe he is stubborn but his a good guy." then he hugged me close and we started to giggle butwe slipped on some oil and Donnie landed on top of me in an innapropiet pose and slammed some stuff down making a raket.

"What's going on here?!" Rafael busted open and saw us in the floor.

"Raph, i-it's not what you think!!" I panicked and got up but Raphael sprinted out with tears in his eyes, I ran as fast as I could and got at his room I begged to open the door.

"Hun, please open up!"

"Shut the hell up, (y/n)! I knew you liked Don... And I thought we could... Aagghh!!" he punched something in his room and started to smash stuff inside as I backed away. I waited a few hours but he didn't get out, 'how am I getting him out?' then Mikey saw me in tears and gave me a pat on my head.

"Hey girl, sup?"

"Raph it's pissed at me cause he thinks I'm with Donnie but I'm not... I love him." I covered my mouth and sigh.

"You wanna know what master Splinter used to do when we had our tantrums?" I looked at him in curiousity. "He sang to us until we calm down it really does the trick." he leaves to play videogames and I rushed to him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!!!!" I ran tobthe surface and came back down with a guitar and sat down in front of his door and sang:

Suddendly Raph's doors opens revealing Raphael with a blushful face and a grumpy look trying to hold in a smile.

"Do you really mean it?" he looked at the side. I gently put my hands in his cheeks and kissed his lips softly and passionately.

"I do, Raphael. You are my one and only." He smiled and picked me up and spun around laughing and yelling:


Sorry I haven't updated nothing on this book but another chapter will come soon!!

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