Michaelangelo x Drunk Reader

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**This has a kind if a rape scene if you feel uncomfortable please keep scrolling untill you see this: OxO**
I got fired at my job in GameStop, my parents kicked me out of their house 'cause I drink too much and to top it off, I have only $30 in my pocket... So I decided to buy a Jack Daniel's whiskey and drink it on top of an abandon library where I used to read untold hours. I drank and drank until I heared footsteps coming my way.  My vision was blurry and all I could see was something big and furry, as it started to growl at me I step back and yelled: "Who the *hick* are you? Some furry pervert?"

"I am Tiger Claw, heh..  I see you had been drinking my drunk friend." he walks closer but I couldn't move my legs were too weak. "Come now.'' he grabs my wrist digging his claws in my skin then with his free hand he ripped my shirt leaving my bra. "Such soft skin~* he purrs in my ear as he starts playing with my boobs


but he quickly fell on the ground and he roared when I looked at the direction where the hit came from. There was mutant turtles, they came in my direction, the one with the Katanas started to give orders.

"Raph you take the left, Donnie distract him, I'll take the right and Mikey take her somewhere safe!!" he sprinted in to action then Without hesitation one of them carried me down the building. He was going to fast, everything went dark and cold, the last thing I heard was someone saying: "Come on dudette, don't leave me hanging!! You'll be ok."

*Turtle's home#
**Mikey PoV*

I can't believe Tiger Claw almost took advantage of her... That's soooo not cool... I laid her down in Donnie's operating table and sat next to her holding her hand. I examined her skin, she had bruses and the claw marks of that gross cat. So, I bandage them up and sat again. After an hour my brothers came home.

"Mikey, when I said "take to somewhere safe" I didn't mean our place" Leo yelled at me, Donnie went to the girl to check on her status and Raph just hit me on my head.

"Ow! Raph!!!"

"Watcha gonna do now, Mikey!? Master Splinter will be furious!"

"He doesn't need to know... This girl almost got raped by Tiger Claw, guys! He has her sent! He can find her. But not down here" they all stoid silent for a while. I was really worried for her... I stayed by her side all night and I put her on one if the shirts I had of "Kragnar the Barbarian".

**(y/n) PoV**

I slowly opened my eyes and sat down. "What a crazy drea- OW!" I saw my wrist all bandaged up and I noticed I was wearing... Someone's shirt. "Well... That wasn't a dream... Fuck my head.."  I felt something soft in my other hand when I saw what was that hand attached to I couldn't believe it! A turtle, a turtle was holding my hand... I wanted to yank it off but he looked so peaceful. I poked his head a couple of times until he woke up.

"Huh? W-what?" he had sky blue  drowsy eyes being wrapped around an orange bandana and he had a little bit of saliva on the corner of his mouth, I giggled at his appearance. "Hey dudette, you woke up!!" he hugged me and he shook in excitement.

"Yeah... T-thank you for saving me from.... Whatever that thing was."

"No problem! Oh, I bet your hungry and with a headache. Donnie told me the best way to get rid of the.... Uumm.."

"Hangover.... Yeah... Thanks..." He gave me a big breakfast with orange juice and a little bit of ice cream shaped like a cat. But when I went to take a bit it meowed. "Ice Cream Kitty, what have I told you not to sneak in guests ok. Sorry..."

"OMG!... His adorable!!!" I petted Ice Cream kitty and he purred while I ate the breakfast. It tastes pretty good.

"Aaaghh! Dang wait here, I gotta tell my bros you woke up" I shrugged it off and kept eating. Then 3 turtles with different color bandanas and a big tall rat came in.

"Please-do-not- be-afraid. We-are- friends" the turtle in red came in speaking in slow mo. For some reason.

"Sorry dude but I don't speak whale" Everyone giggle then the tall rat came closer to me and he put his hand on my shoulder and softly he said: "Don't worry, miss. You'll be safe down here. My sons explained to me what happend, they will protect you. Stay here as long as you like but do not tell others of our existence. It will put you and us in great peril." I nodded in understanding.

(Time skip by... THE SHREDDER the shredding paper guy)

I stayed with the turtle for 2 years now, they helped me with my drinking problem. Especially Michelangelo, he had my back since the first time we met and today was Thanksgiving. Everyone was helping out, me and Raph got stuck in dish duty. After the chaos we sat down and gave thanks.

"Alright, my children. What do you give thanks to and for what. Donatello you may start."

"Uumm... Oh! I give thanks to Raphael for not trashing the videogame council again. So we can play later today, jajaja" now it was Leo's turn.

"I give thanks to you guys, my family and (y/n) for being there when we need each other" Raphael's turn.

"Aagghh... I give thanks to... Master Splinter, for showing me new moves that will use on the Foot!" Now (Y/n).

"I give thanks you all of you specially Mikey, who have been there for me day and night keeping me away from alcohol and you guys for saving my butt" The guys stood up and hugged me, now it was Mikey's turn.

He stood up and said: "I give thanks to everyone for giving me courage for what I will now..." he kneels down infront of me and pulls out a small box and opens it. To reveal a turtle shaped ring in (f/c) gem. "(y/n) I know it's only been 2 years and you and I aren't even a couple but... Uumm.. What I wanted to say was... Uumm..."

Raph slammed his hands on the table and yelled: "SAY IT ALREADY!!"

I blushed bright red and Mikey continued. "Would... Y-you make me the happiest mutant in the universe and marry me?"

I stayed silent, my eyes got watery, my body shook as an earthquake and my lips shivered. I look at his baby blue eyes and said: "Y-yes! Yes, I do. My darling!!" I kissed him deeply and everyone cheered, Master Splinter agreed to marrying us in Xmas. We had a lovely feast, everyone was just talking of how they would decorate the lair and Master Splinter helped me pick out a wedding kimono which was beautiful.

I'm so greatful to have such a great family and an awesome fiance.

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