Donatello x Reader Mating Season

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Hello, my turtle sinners and turtle fluffs!
Welcome to another chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in this past few months... I moved to Texas and it's been good but still getting used to. So no more blah blah blah
On with the show!!!!

Requested by: DonniexLlama

**Donnie's PoV**

"Aagh, I can't concertrate!!" I smashed my fist on the table while using my other hand to scratch my legs and neck. I had been having this strange itch all over my body, getting high fever and getting sensitive at anything I see cute or sexy.... "This can't be.... Please tell me it is not!' I ran to my calendar that was in a drawer close to my laptop and when I opened it said: "Nov.- 25th- 20xx" a thump echoed in my room as I slammed my head against the wall. My breathing started to get heavy. "No... Not today... Not this week.." I slammed my head once more "Mating season..." I went out my room and found Leo masturbating to an Alien hentai, Raph was also in the zone whispering Mona Lisa's name and Mikey was... Watching porn. I don't know if I could just do it myself... April is out of town till next month. So, I decided to get out of the lair and get some fresh air maybe that will help me cool down a bit.

**(Y/N) PoV**

I finished writing my essay for history class and my own science project... "Fucking College... Making me do shit..." I said sarcastically while laughing at myself. Finally I could take some time on my own and see the lights of the city before bed. I climbed up to the roof my apartment and sighed in relief of being free from school work and people consistently telling me what to do and what I cannot but that's life for ya.

In the distance I see a guy?, pacing like thinking about something. So, I thought maybe it would be good to meet someone new? What can go wrong?

(A/N: "Everything Reader! Go get to bed and play Minecraft you fool!!)

I jumped 3 roof tops towards the guy and he didn't look exactly human... I was gonna turn back but something felt odd... Like I got itchy, my heart began to beat faster 'what the hell??' I screamed in my head as I poked the strange figure and said hi. He turned it was a 2 legged, muscled build skinny turtle with a purple bandana, he looked at me a bit confused and surprised.

"Oh... I-I'm sorry... I..." he looked down, his face covered in blush.

"Hey, is everything ok? I saw you pacing around a lot... Something wrong in your life?" I asked the turtle.

"Oh... Damn... I should've been more careful... And... My life it's fine but... Not my body or mind right now..." he placed his hands covering his face.

"I'm not doing anything... Can I help?" I placed my hand on his plastorn then another hand over his hands pulling them apart from his face. When he smiled I noticed a cute little gap and his eyes were a brow with a hit of red, my face got hot and unconsciously stepped back.

"Oh... My-my eyes... I know... I scare my brothers too... They scare me too... Red in the eyes is a sign of evil... I have seen them before..." he looked down again but before he could I placed my hand on his chin.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you I just never saw such beautiful eyes. I like them." with that he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me, I wanted to push him away, break the kiss but his lips were soft, his kiss so pure, filled with love. I couldn't help but to just give in.

I kissed him back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and we kissed deeply. He caressed my waist and with his free hand he caressed and comb my hair with with his fingers. He pulled me closer, then he shifted his lips towards my neck and began to lick and kiss every spot until he found my weakness and began to abuse it. I whimpered, holding my moans in until he bit down, there a moan escaped my lips filled with lust. I bit down his shoulder and he moaned in response so I abused that spot as well. We were a moaning mess. I rubbed my body against his, our bodies began to heat up, I began to scratch his shell and shoulders and he began to squeeze my waist and buns.

"I-I'm... S-sorry... But... I can't take it anymore... I'm not that kind of girl who just gives in like that but... You... Are driving me crazy!" I screamed in want. When I realized that I screamed he looked at me surprise.

"Oh... God... I'm so sorry..." I placed my head on his chest. He grabbed my chin and lifted it so I could see his brown red-ish eyes and said:

"I want you too." I grabbed his hand and we ran towards my home; Once there I began to strip sexually but in a hurry. He sat down on the edge of my bed while looking at me.

**No one's PoV**

He signal you to stop before you took your underwear off. Gently Donnie laid you on the bed and began to kiss you softly, caressing your delicate skin. His touch brought goosebumps all over your body as you began to shiver he noticed your discomfort. He traced his index finger through your panties and began to touch and poke your clit through it why unclipping your bra and began to lick and suck on them. Your moans began to bloom in the room.

(to the boom to a book xD sorry)

He enjoyed your melody so he kept on teasing you until you cried out "F-fuck me... Please!!" he nodded and took the rest of your clothing off leaving you completely exposed to him. Your naked silhouette drove him nearly to madness he quickly penetrated your pussy gaining a pleasurable moan from him but a scream of pain from you. Cause since his a mutant his dick was bigger then a normal human.

"So-sorry... I- I won't move until you are ready ok?" with this you nodded trying not to cry from the pain as he began to kiss your lips so gently and delicately. After 2 minutes you tapped his shoulder signaling you were ready. He moved his hips slowly as you moan cutely to his ear, he played with your breast and bit your neck while thrusting harder and faster this time the pain was gone. You begged him to go as fast and hard as he could and so he did, he turned you in to all 4s and began to pound your pussy mercilessly and spanked you jiggly ass while fucking you you.

"I-I'm gonna cum!!!!" you screamed feeling a knot about to burst in your stomach.

"Fuck me too!!!!" he pounded faster, and faster and faster and harder. He grabbed your ass with both hands and brought you closer and deeper that's when he released inside of you and you came shortly after.

You both cuddled in your bed and you realised you just had sex with a mutant sexy turtle without knowing their name.

"Uum... Crazy question: w-what's your name?" you blushed and he sat down and said sorry repeatedly.

"I'm sorry I'm an idiot! M-my name it's Donatello but you can call me Donnie. Yours?"

"(Y/N)... Mines (Y/N)" you both giggled and slept through night.


Sorry for the hiatus. I moved to texas 2 months ago so.... Yeah xD love you

Hope you enjoyed it!!!

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