Leonardo x Gamer!Reader

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A thanks to Kiwimimi1805 for this idea

**Leo PoV**

"Mikey come on! We need to go patrol!" Me and Mikey were supposed to go patrol but like always he backs out at the last minute. Now I gotta go alone.

"Leo.. *cough* I'm sick" Mikey fake coughs and poses dramatically on the couch.

"Aaghh.. Fine!" I grab my katanas and made my way out while grabbing my shell-phone. Once on my way out I rushed through a few buildings but everything was just calm at the moment.

**(Y/N) PoV**

I ran towards my apartment, it's been a long day at college... I had a japanese class which it was fun cause we got to learn curse words and such.  I tossed my bags to the side and turned on my PS4 to play COD 2 a zombie palooza!!!
"Ok, I got my drinks, snacks and now time to start killing!!!" I went for a shower and got my fox pjs and began playing. 

*1hr pass*

"Damn nooo, no, no!!!"  a zombie ate me. This is getting way to hard

**Leo PoV**

I found some people getting in to trouble ahead but I didn't intervene. I jump through a few roof tops for a while. Then I heard someone yelling and cursing in japanese, I thought it was Karai or Shini. Since their the only ones who speak perfect japanese.

Shi'ne, kisama! Baka!!!" the voice screamed.

I ran as fast as I could until I found the source of the scream and jumped through. Thank goodness the window was open or that would have been a bit painful. "Don't worry, I'm here!" once I scanned where was I, I saw a cute girl with (h/c) in a Galaga shirt that it was a bit too big on her and black short. She just looked at me without screaming, she just stared until she got up and poked my plastorn.

"Shi'ne... You are real!?" she got a bit too close to my face, only inches away from my lips.

"Y-yes... Well.. I should go..." I jumped on the windowsill.

"Hey, wait!" she grabbed my belt and threw me back in to her room. "Who are you? How did you find me? Why are you so fucking tall?" she asked while poking my chest and her cheeks became red.

"Well, my name it's Leonardo. I was just patrolling the city until I heard screaming and followed here, I thought it was a friend of mine, and last I'm a mutant, I think it's because of the mutagen I was created with." I  tried to explain without much details.

"Cool, I'm (y/n) how old are you? I'm 24." her eyes lit up like stars. Wait, what the hell am I thinking!?? I just met her... But... I kind of feel... Calm with her.

"I'm 25 now. Uumm.. What are you playing?" I noticed the tv and game sounds coming from behind her.

"Oh, COD but I got tired... I'm heading  down stares for a drink. Wanna join in?" she walked towards the door and as I followed I saw a few portraits and paintings signed by her. Arriving to the kitchen I sat on the counter as she poured coffee and handed to me. "How's the coffee?" she leaned on the counter, the neck of her shirt dropped revealing her sexy chest without a bra. Perfect breast to play with and sink my fa-. 'Shut the fuck up!!!' I mentally slap myself.

I took a sip "pretty breast- I MEAN PRETTY GREAT!!" my face flushed with red blush and she giggled. I never thought I could find someone so cute and not afraid of me. It was great. We spent the night talking about her past and my family, dreams and wishes, hobbies and studies. I saw the time and it was almost time for the sun to come back.

"I'm sorry... But I have to go..."

"What? Already?..." she looked surprised and sad. (Y/n) grabbed my hand, we felt a small static and looked at each other. Her face was covered in blush it was adorable. "C-can you visit tonight, maybe at 8?"

I smiled at her question "sure, I'll bring a movie... How about Baby?"

"Baby? The driver?"


"THAT'S MY FAVORITE MOVIE!!" we laughed for a moment. Then she hugged me! She hugged me like she hadn't hug someone in a long time. "I'm so glad you jumped to my room" (y/n) giggled and she pressed her lips on my cheek as I climbed to the windowsill.

"S-see you tonight!" I waved at her and ran a few buildings.
"WOOOHOOO!!!! I GOT A DATE!!!" I screamed at the heavens. I couldn't hold it in.

"I can't wait to her again!"

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