❤TMNT x reader

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It's Mating Season for all 4 turtles.... Big Lemon everybody get ready.
Here the turtles are 25 years old and you are 22. God have pity on your soul.

Dedicated to
pie2098 and JarOfFangirl

The sky was dark as usual in the city that never sleeps, New York. A cold breeze flew through the buildings, the sound of cars, sirens and people yelling at each other was a total norm for you right now. You stood and gazed at the lights of the city, with phone in hand waiting for a call from your best friends the mutant turtles.

You met them by accident. You were so damn distracted you fell in a manhole and there was no way up. So, you walked around until you bumbed in to a train tracks. You thought it would led you out but instead it lead you to an abandon station where you saw 4 turtles eating pizza and arguing. And there is where you guys fought, became friends and finally trust.

Coming back from memory lane a familiar ringtone sounds from your hand. It was a call from Splinter, it was strange for him to call you unless it was an emergency or the boyz were to shy to call you.

"Moshi, moshi" you answered. You learned a few Japanese words from sensei and the boys.

"(Y/N).... It's Splinter. I need you to stay with my children for a few nights." he said calmly bit but he sounded strange.

"Sure, uumm.. But why are they ok?" you asked worriedly

"Well.... They have some strange fever and they have been acting strangely... Well... Stranger then usual. But the fever it's what is worring me, it won't go down. So, I'm going to a medicine run. I'll be out of New York for a few days or so" he explaines and you said yes. You told him to give you a few minutes to make a bag of clothes and medicine you had to see if it helps. After half an hour you were nearly close to the hide-out when suddenly you hear groaning and arguing, for you it was normal but this time it sounded the fight was between all four of them, something about not being comfortable. You walked closer.

"Knock, Knock!" you yelled trying to get their attention which it worked.

"(y/n)!!!" all four ran towards you like little puppies that haven't seen their momma for weeks.

"We missed you!" Mikey whined

"I forgot how cute you are upclose" Said Donatello looking at your face

"You smell sooooo good today. You are sooooo sweet" said Leo while sniffing your hair.

"Yeah... We missed you doll" Raph purred near your ear.

"Ok, ok, you guys go sit. Ill be right back." you went to talk to sensei and then he left. After a while you began to make ginger tea for you and camomile tea for the boys. They drank it but while staring at you, you didn't even bat an eye about it. After they finished they put the cups on the floor. You stood up and bend over infront of each one grabbing the cups, everytime you bend each one groaned and scratched their knee, or tap really fast or cursing under their breath. You went to the kitchen and the boys began to talk in whispers.

Leo: "She's mine!"

Raph: "Fuck no! Lame-o-nardo! She's my doll, I'll make her mine!" he commanded.

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