Leonardo x Ninja reader

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Hello once again!!
I'm thinking of making at least 2 pts of this chapter.
If you guys and gals like it

His smile kills and melts hearts, sadly, he does not know that. He doesn't know how much we sigh when we see him!! So hot!


(y/n) was born in London and lived with her mother (M/n), her and her mother trained learing the ways of the kunoichi, at the age of 14 she moves to Japan where her father lives. The name of his family's clan was "The Kappa" (turtle monsters in Japanese for those who don't know). They honored the kappa for the child in the legend was part of this family and since then the clan was named after their savior. 

**(Y/n) PoV**
I got out from the plane, got my bags and walked around until I find a man with a sign that said: "(Y/n) Kappa". I rushed over the man and said: "Moshi, that's me!"
The man smiles and gives me a hug, it was really surprising and he says: "(Y/n) I know you don't know me but I'm Wong Kappa your father's brother, your uncle". He gives me a warm smile and we walked to a black and white car, we drove until we reached the mountains only a few miles from the city. I get out of the car and I see a tall man with Japanese tattoos and a tattoo of a turtle shell on the left side of his chest. He runs towards me and yells: "(Y/N), (Y/N) my sweet lotus!!!" I ran towards him dropping my bags and hugged me close, my eyes start to get teary. "Oh, (y/n) my daughter, I have missed you so". My father says in a gently voice almost sounding like a lullaby. "I missed you to dad". After a while if hugging and water works we walk inside the house, placed my bags on my room then after he gives me a tour of the property.

"Here is our dojo, you may train, meditate, spar and let your emotions out whenever you feel like getting something out of your chest". I nod and smiles ear to ear and reply: "Thank you so much daddy! I mean... Father". He chuckles at my reaction and says: "My lotus, fear not! You may call me father, dad or even daddy but when the student's comes call me sensei but if something even worse call me whatever and I will come". He holds me in his embrace and endes the night. 4 years past now I have grown into a skillful woman, finally learned and became the best kunoichi. Today is the day when I finally get the tattoo of the turtle shell I decided where I will place it, I choosed it behind my shoulder. I sit down to get it done it hurts a lot since it was my first tattoo and after a few days, it heals nicely, nt father walks towards me: "(y/n) please come with me, I need to speam to you" you stand up go to him in to a cherry blosom garden. It was beautiful but the atmosphere felt heavy so I went to my dad. "Hello daddy, what's u?". I said casually. "First let me congratulate you for finally be official". I nod and smile. "Thanks dad! It was wortg the broken bones" you to laugh for a moment but his smile fades and says: "My Lotus, I have a mission for you..." he says very strictly, I just tilted my head. "A few years ago my old friend Hamato Yoshi went to New York after the incident, remember what I told you about it" you nod and remembered the accident, the fight between the Foot and the Hamato clans. The Kappa clan was were to the Hamato until they were no more. "My friend used to write me all the time telling me his moments but a few years past and he stopped writing... I heard news of the Foog being there, no doubt The Shredder is there hunting him down"  I just look at my fathers worried face and his eyes start to tear up. "This is why I'm sending you to New York, as a rescue mission. Find Yoshi, dead or alive and let me know of his way." Yoi stand up and hug my father.

"Of course, daddy! I will find him. Even if I only know him by your words I feel like his an uncle or a second dad." I giggled, he simply nods and pulls me to a hug and whispers: "Please be careful, if the Foot knows your a Kappa they will not hesitate to kill you." A few days past and I arrived on Manhattan. Started my search

I came across with strange news if mutants roaming the streets if NY, which it was very interesting and... Silly but interesting. 3 months passed, it was a cool summer night. Still no sign of Hamato Yoshi, until I heard someone on the roof top of my apartment the name Hamato. I quickly changed into my ninja clothes and grabbed my trusty syth (If you don't like this weapon you my choose another but I like this one) and climbed the to the roof and.... My eyes cannot believe what I'm seeing, mutants! Mutants in NY!! I saw how a tiger kept fighting a... Uumm.. Person? Thing? Wearing a red bandana but he kept him at bay. 2 more a purple and orange one team worked to fight off a fish thing with legs and avoiding it's teeth but nothing caught my attention more when I saw a bony-dog trying to bite the blue bandana dude. Then in a second the dude in blue turn his bacn on the tiger thing and he shoots.
"No that's not fair!!"  I thought to myself and getting my syth out and bloking the shot, sadly with my body, "Great! Died by a shot and with mutants around". I dropped on my knees and watched where I got wounded, right on my side bleeding out. The bad guys take this as a chance and escaped, my vision gets blurry and I feel someone holding my all I see it's the guy in blue saying: "MISS, MISS PLEASE HOLD ON!! DONNIE COME ON WE NEED TO HELP HER!" and I guess the one named Donnie replied: "come on, guys and Leo be careful and lets get on my lab". "Ok, miss! Please stay with me, please.... I don't want to lose the one who saved me without knowing their name" he chuckles a bit with watery eyes and holding me close carring me bridal style to their home.
And hear a really annoyed voice yelling why are they taking me with them... After that everything it's dark.

I hope you like it so far
More will come more drama and ROMANCE!
Will you suvive the wound?
Will Leo know your name?
Will Mikey eat a 3 layerd pepperoni with jalapeño pizza under 1 minute?

More after this xD

And remember!

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